Simulation in Action/Medical Terminology
Future of Simulation
Medical Simulation Basics
Historical Milestones
Types of Simulators

This is often the first step of a medical simulation scenario.

What is pre-briefing?


This emerging technology provides a 3D, immersive environment for medical simulation.

What is virtual reality or VR?


This is the main purpose of medical simulation in healthcare education.

What is to provide a safe and controlled environment for learning and practicing medical procedures?


 This French midwife created one of the first known medical simulators in the 18th century.

Who is Madame du Coudray?


This type of simulator is a high-tech mannequin that can mimic human physiology.

What is a high-fidelity patient simulator?


This is the term for the safe, controlled environment where learners practice in medical simulation.

What is a simulation lab or simulation center?


This is one way medical simulation might evolve or improve in the future.

What is more realistic simulators, wider range of scenarios, greater use of AI, etc.?


This part of a simulation scenario details the patient's medical history and current health status.

What is the scenario script or case details?


The Resusci Anne, developed in the 1960s, is primarily used to train healthcare providers in this life-saving technique.

What is CPR or cardiopulmonary resuscitation?


This type of simulator is a person trained to act like a patient.

What is a standardized or simulated patient?


This is the period of time after a simulation scenario where participants reflect and discuss the events.

What is debriefing?


This technology allows for remote simulation experiences and could increase access to simulation training.

What is tele-simulation?


Name one benefit of medical simulation for healthcare learners.

What is improving hands-on skills, enhancing decision-making abilities, increasing patient safety, etc.?


This toy maker helped develop the Resusci Anne and is known for his contributions to medical simulation.

Who is Asmund S. Laerdal?


This type of simulator allows for practice of surgical procedures.

What is a surgical simulator or procedural simulator?


This person typically controls the responses of a high-fidelity mannequin during a simulation scenario.

Who is the instructor or the simulation technician?


This technology could provide personalized feedback to learners during a simulation scenario.

What is artificial intelligence or AI?


This term describes the realistic replication of a simulation in a healthcare environment.

What is in situ?


This advancement in the late 20th and early 21st century allows simulation mannequins to mimic human physiological responses.

What is high-fidelity simulation or full-body mannequins?


These virtual environments allow medical learners to interact with computer-generated patients and practice clinical skills.

What are virtual simulators?


This term describes a healthcare professional who specializes in the administration of anesthesia during medical procedures.

What is an anesthesiologist?


This is a part of SimMan that in a pinch Scott needed to 3D print because it was broken and it was needed for the next day.

What is the neck?


This part of a simulation happens after the scenario, where learners discuss and reflect on their actions.

What is debriefing?


When did CSTAR open?

What is 2003?


This type of simulator allows for practice of delivering babies.

What is SimMom?