What club could students join to participate in community service?
Key Club
What type of class do you have to take all 4 years of high school?
Where can I go to talk to my academic counselor?
South Admin
What method did we study for critical thinking?
The Socratic Method
What artist is currently doing the "eras" tour?
Taylor Swift
What Edison sport do I coach?
Boy's Soccer
What is the number of credits required to graduate?
Where can you go to get afterschool tutoring?
The Library
I am spread far and wide, Filling up and causing divide. As the Jewel of night shines bright, I am pushed and pulled with crushing might. All things with me can move and ebb, but beware to any caught in my web.
The Ocean
What movie is currently sitting at #1 at the box office?
What are the two "co-ed" sports that Edison offers?
Cheer and Wrestling
How many years of a foreign language are required for the seal of biliteracy?
4 year
Where can you go to get a hotspot?
The F.L.A.T.S center
How did Socrates help his student's to solve their problems?
Ask questions
What anime famously features the characters Sakura Harano and Sauske Uchiha?
What sport is played as a club?
What type of school requires you to complete A-G to attend?
A 4 year university (CSU or UC)
Where can you find my room during the school year?
What did Socrates help Euthydamus understand the nature of in his dialogue?
What two teams in the NFL boast the most SuperBowl titles?
New England Patriots and Pittsburg Steelers
This activity, though a club, is played as a competition at a newly constructed arena at Hoover High School.
What two classes are not required for A-G but are a senior-level graduation requirement?
What type of building are they currently constructing on campus?
CTE or Career Tech
A polished globe, with brilliant hue splashed across the surface. At its center is a dark spot but for many hours it appears not.
An eye.
What show, featuring Henry Cavill, is currently sitting in the #1 spot on Netflix?