A subject noun normally ends in this Arabic vowel.
What is dumma or dummatain?
This means "the bathroom" in Arabic.
What is الحمام
This is a pen
What is هذا قلم ?
من اين انت؟
What Is, "where are you from?"
في البيت
What is, "in the house"?
When a noun comes after a preposition, the ending sound of the noun will carry this Arabic vowel.
What is "كسر"?
This is the word for "market" in Arabic.
? سوق What is
The book is on the chair.
What is الكتاب علي الكرسي ?
النجم بعيد
What is, "The star is far"?
علي المكتب
What is, "on the table?"
This Arabic word is the third person pronoun for "he".
What is هو?
This word means "old" in Arabic.
? قديم What is
The girl is in the masjid
What is, البنت في المسجد ?
الماء بارد
What is, "the water is cold"
Where is the book?
What is اين الكتاب?
The feminine pronoun for 2nd person is referred to by this word in Arabic.
? أَنْت What is
This Arabic word refers to a fruit that can be sweet or tart and can be red or yellow or green and grows on trees.Americans like to make a pie with this fruit.
What is التفاح ?
Who is in the classroom?
What is من في الفصل ?
البيت قريب و المسجد بعيد
What is, "the house is near and the masjid is far"
It is on the table.
What is هو علي المكتب?
This is the Arabic term describes a word used to link a noun of pronoun with other words in the sentence.
What is حَرْفُ الْجَر
This Arabic word refers to the marvel invented by the ancient Chinese used to record writing.
What is ورق ?
The sun and the moon are in the sky.
What is, "الشمس و القمر في السماء"?
الحجر ثقيل و الورق خفيف
What is, "the rock is heavy and the paper is light"?
المرحاض في الحمام و القط في المطبخ
What is, "The toilet is in the bathroom and the girl is in the kitchen"?