Move lunch magnet
Keep your eyes on the Target
When can I go to the bathroom
As long as Mrs. Thomas is not directly teaching
Rules for camping chair
1. Do not tip chair and be respectful
Where does your cold lunch go
Black Basket
Rule 1
When can I get a drink of water
As long as Mrs. Thomas is not directly teaching
Rules for computer chairs
2. do not tip
3. leave at table
Where do you put your snack?
Rule 5
Be a good friend
How does anyone know when I am in the bathroom
I use the bathroom pass
Rules for tall stools
2. do not stand
3. do not spin
Where do you turn in any homework
homework files
Rule 2
Raise your hand to speak
How should my cubby look
Clean and organized
rules for desk chairs
1. do not tip
What do you show Mrs. Thomas every morning?
Reading Log
Keep a growth mindset
What is the #1 expectation for Mrs. Thomas
#1 rule for all seating in the classroom