Vania could eat this everyday (with a little butter).
What is bread?
"Soft Thing"
What does Vania need to rub or be in contact with in order to sleep?
The artist that needs no introduction, and, for a time, had no name.
Who is Prince?
Met Vania in March, and married her by December - almost 23 years ago.
Who is Erwen?
The way Vania got the scar on her wrist.
What is cutting herself holding the knife in the wrong direction?
Vania and Bugs Bunny share this favorite cake flavor.
What is Carrot Cake?
Vania loves to sleep in this, even if she might slide out of bed.
What is Silk/Satin
Vania would gladly go outside for this "weather event."
What is Purple Rain?
Tried to turn her into the little brother he never had,
Who is Woody?
Kal Ho Naa Ho
What is Vania's favorite Bollywood movie ?
She "hates" this food, but minces it, cooks with it, and even has a special press for it.
What is Garlic?
She won't slide out of bed wearing this, but she might need to worry about hunting season.
What is one of her plush animal Onesies?
She can listen to this Prince band again and again, and their name goes around and around.
Who is Prince and the revolution?
What is Vania's childhood nickname?
The food she loves but doesn't love her back.
Vania's "liquid addiction."
What is Pepsi?
One of the kids, a body pillow, or a big floppy stuffed dog.
What does Vania sleep with when Erwen is not home?
Daily Double
Prince is his real name. This is his full name. Get one name right to win, double the points if you get his full name.
Who is Prince Rogers Nelson?
"5" (but not The Jacksons).
How many siblings does Vania have?
Vania's favorite butter.
What is Peanut Butter?
Daily Double
These foods make her sick, one almost killed her. Get one right to win, double points for both.
What is shellfish and wine / fermented alcohol
At 102 degrees, and with blankets.
How does Vania prefer to sleep (in the Summer)
Prince asked her to marry him, and she turned him down.
Who is Sheila E?
Her favorite child.
Who is Anthony (lol)
What career did Vania pursue before nursing?