True or False: Snacks and water bottles are allowed in the Zen Den.
FALSE! Use of either of these items in the Zen Den will close the Zen Den for the remainder of the week.
When can you get a drink of water?
During group or independent work time. Not during instruction.
Who are the adults monitoring you at recess?
Ms. Cindy and Ms. Peyton
How should you walk in the halls?
Quietly and in a single file line
What sport does Mrs. Schwartz play?
Roller derby
How many people are allowed in the Zen Den at a time?
Where do you turn in completed assignments?
In the purple basket
What do you do with equipment when you're done with it? (Balls, jump ropes, rain boots)
Return it to its proper place when recess is over.
Ask permission first then press the bathroom light on and then off when you return
What is Mrs. Schwartz's favorite animal?
Harbor Seal
What do you do when you've finished a book from the classroom library?
Place it in the orange bin for our librarian to put back.
What are the three volume colors?
Purple: voices off and independent work
Green: can chat with a partner or with table groups in a quiet voice
Orange: Normal speaking volume. Only used during group or partner activities
True or False: Tag and chase games are allowed at recess
How many students are allowed to go to the bathroom at once?
One student at a time
What are Mrs. Schwartz's pets' names?
Lenny (or Leonard) and Birdy
What are the procedures for taking a break in the Zen Den?
Ask for permission. Take a five-minute timer and flip it while taking your break. When the timer is finished, return to your seat.
When should you sharpen your pencil?
Never! Only the pencil sharpener and Mrs. Schwartz can use the pencil sharpener during clean up. If you need a sharp pencil, you may grab one from the pre-sharpened container and leave your dull one in the "needs to be sharpened" container.
How many students are allowed on the tire swing at one time?
Maximum three people at a time.
What do you do if you're stuck outside of the building during a non-passing period?
Ring the front office on the door bell and wait for Ms. Ann to let you in.
Where did Mrs. Schwartz grow up?
What are the fidget basket expectations?
Fidgets are treated with care. No poking holes or destroying them. Fidgets are returned at the end of the day each day by its user.
What do you do if you finish your work early?
Follow the "finish early" steps:
1) Complete the exit ticket on Google Classroom
2) Complete the activity in the assigned basket
3) Complete a Choice Menu activity
4) Read or free write
Can you play soccer when there is a substitute monitoring recess?
No! Soccer can only be played with Ms. Cindy and Ms. Peyton are present.
When should you ask to use the bathroom?
During independent or partner work only. Not during lessons.
What is Mrs. Schwartz's favorite color?
Harvest yellow