DegreeWorks can be found on this SUNY Oneonta online portal
What is Blackboard
Where can you find reminders about upcoming assignments/due dates?
Bottom of the home page
This feature allows you to keep track of your schedule and time commitments.
What is Calendar
Who has access to a free Handshake account?
All current and past SUNY Oneonta students
What is the Student Learning Center?
What are Gen Eds?
You’re about to look at the prompt/details for an upcoming assignment. What tab in Brightspace do you use?
Name someone who may primarily contact you through Outlook.
Your DG, professors, RD, or any faculty!
What color is the handshake app icon?
Green (and black)
Free small group peer tutoring is offered for these two beginner level types of courses
What are 1000 - 2000 level courses?
Listed on Degreeworks, these faculty members are assigned to students to help them plan their course selection to meet their degree requirements.
What is My Academic Advisor?
What tab can you find updates and reminders sent by your professor?
Aside from emails, what will Outlook notify you about?
upcoming events on your calendar; sign-ins on other devices
This is where Employers can reach out to you to encourage you to apply or invite you to online seminars
What is the Inbox
These 30-minute appointments in the SLC go over and revise a student's paper at any stage of completion. (They'll even help you plan your writing if you haven't started!)
What are writing consultations or writing assistance?
This section on Degreeworks is able to visualize your credits and course requirements if you were to change your major
What is the "What If" section
I just took a quiz on Brightspace with a mixture of multiple choice and short answer questions. It displayed my score as lower than I expected. Should I be worried? Why?
No! The score displayed immediately after a test doesn’t include any points you’ll get from short answer questions until the Professor grades it.
How often should I check my oneonta email?
Does Handshake limit you to only on-campus jobs?
This service offered by the SLC is focused on honing a students writing and or studying skills to create an independent, confident, self-aware learner.
What is academic coaching?
Students need at least this many credits to graduate
What is 120?
It is recommended that you use Brightspace on this browser. Which is it?
Google Chrome
24-48 hours
Can you still use Handshake after you graduate?
Writing under pressure, time management, and how to talk to your professors, are some of these that the SLC offers
What are workshops?