What is the rule to create a plural for most consonants?
You add an "s"
What is the plural of fish
What is the past tense of verb to be in the third person (S/he,it)
What is the pronunciation of -ed in verbs with voiced sound?
It is pronounce as /d/
Example: travel-traveled /d/ open-opened /d/
What is the action I do in the morning, as soon as I open my eyes?
Get up
What is the rule of the words ending in consonants: s, ss, sh, ch, x
You add -es
Example: bus-buses box-boxes dress-dresses
What is the plural of child?
What is the present tense of verb to be for the third person plural?
How is the pronunciaiton of -ed for voiceless sound verbs?
It is /t/
Example: Watch - watched /t/
What is the word for: activities or pastimes that you like?
How do you create the plural for words ending in "o"
Simply add -s
Example: Kangoroo - Kangoroos, piano-pianos
What is the plural of foot
What is the negative of verb to be in past for third person singular? She, he, it.
What is the pronunciation of verbs ending in "d"
It is /id/
Example: persuade - Persuaded /id/
What is the action you do around 12:00 m.d.
Have lunch
What is the pronunciation of -ed when the word is voiceless and ends in p,k, s, sh, ch, th (thing) f, or x.
Pronunciation is /t/
Example: help-helped /t/ watch-watched /t/
Relax - relaxed /t/
What is the plural of quiz?
What is the negative of verb to be in past for third person plural?
What is the -ed pronunciation of the verb "Act"
It is with /id/ because it finish with "t"
Act-acted /id/
What is the action you usually do to clean your mouth after eating a meal?
Brush your teeth.
What is the ed pronunciation for the verbs:
persuade and decide
it is /id/
Persuade - persuaded /id/
Decide - decided /id/
Remember verbs end d or t = /id/
What is the plural of person?
What is the verb to be in present for the third person in plural? We, they, you
What is the pronunciation of -ed in the verb "love"
It is with /d/ because the verb has a voiced sound in present.
What is the action?
It is dark, you finished everything and have your pijamas on.
Go to bed