French and Indian War
End of the French and Indian War
Famous People

At the outset of the 1700s, these two countries were the leading European powers.

Who are France and Britain?


This group was the "winner".

Who was Britain?


This prompted the "Boston Massacre".

What is a snowball fight?


Benjamin Franklin was instrumental in this meeting in an attempt to unify the colonies.

What is the Albany Congress?


This young Virginian made his debut in the French and Indian War.

Who is George Washington?


The British settled in this area prior to the war.

Where is the Atlantic coast?


Name an action of British government to bring the colonies under tighter control.

What is closing of western lands to further settlement, additional trade regulations, or new taxes?


This tax was repealed by parliament after the "Boston Massacre".

What is the Townshend Tax?


The English translations of the French rules of civility were ascribed to this boy.

Who is Francis Hawkins?


Join, or Die.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


This was a strength of the French.

What is the colonial government was strong and unified, forts were at strategic points, or a well trained army?


This Act placed duties on such items as sugar, molasses and coffee.

What is the Sugar Act?


These were formed originally in Massachusetts as a way to spread word of British threats on liberty.

What are Committees of Correspondence?


This is the Fort Washington and his troops hasitly build after retreating from Fort Duquesne.

What is Fort Necessity?


This lawyer represented the British troops in Boston.

Who is John Adams?


This was the immediate cause of the French and Indian War.

What is the struggle for control of the Ohio Valley?


This phrase became a rallying cry.

What is "no taxation without representation"?


Parliament game this company the monopoly on shipment and sale of tea in America.

What is the British East India Tea Company?


The British fought with this style.

What is European, or dressed in full uniform marching to battle.


This was the South Carolina Governor at the time of the French and Indian War.

Who is William Henry Lyttleton?


This was the 1st major British action in the war as an attempt to capture Fort Duquesne but ended in defeat.

What is Braddock's Defeat?


This group gathered in New York as a protest to the Stamp Act.

Who are the Sons of Liberty?


This is one of the Intolerable Acts.

One act closed the port of Boston, effective June 1st 1774, until the cost of the destroyed tea was replaced.

Another act allowed royal officials charged with crimes to be tried in London or in another colony.

A third act changed Massachusetts’s charter and gave British officials more control. The colonists lost their right to elect representatives, name judges, and select juries. And they could not conduct town meetings without the royal governor's consent.

A fourth act was the new quartering act of 1774. It gave governor's power to demand supplies or buildings that were needed for British troops in the colonies.


The British attitude towards the colonies can be described as this.

What is neglectful or beneficial?


This British civilian was placed in charge to turn the fight around.

Who is William Pitt?