First definitions
Patterns of motion
Heat and thermodynamics

What is physics?

Physics is the scientific study of nature, focusing on the physical plane of motion, force, and energy


What is speed?

the rate at which someone or something moves or operates or is able to move or operate.


what is mass?

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object


What is joule?

The SI derived unit used to measure energy or work


What is calorie?

a unit of energy or heat


What is chemistry?

Chemistry is a branch of natural science that deals principally with the properties of substances, the changes they undergo, and the natural laws that describe these changes.


What is acceleration?

The acceleration of an object is the rate at which the object changes its velocity.


What is Newton first law of motion?

Newton's First Law of Motion (Inertia) An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion at constant speed and in a straight line unless acted on by an unbalanced force


What is watt?

The watt is a measure of the rate of energy transfer over a unit of time


What is molecules?

A group of atoms that combine together and form a single entity


What is biology?

Biology is a branch of science that deals with living organisms and their vital processes.


What is velocity?

Velocity is the prime indicator of the position as well as the rapidity of the object. It can be defined as the distance covered by an object in unit time


What is newton second law of motion?

Newton's second law of motion states that F = ma, or net force is equal to mass times acceleration.


what is energy?

Energy is the ability to do work


What is temperature?

is the measure of hotness or coldness expressed in terms of any of several scales, including Fahrenheit and Celsius


What is technology?

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge to the practical aims of human life


What is force?

strength or energy exerted or brought to bear : cause of motion or change : active power.


What is momentum?

Momentum is a measurement of mass in motion


what is conservation of energy?

a principle in physics that states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed and that the total energy of a system by itself remains constant.


What is kinetic theory of matter?

The kinetic theory of matter states that all matter is made of small particles that are in random motion and that have space between them. This means that no matter what phase matter is in, it is made of separate, moving particles


What is earth science?

Earth science is the study of the Earth's structure, properties, processes, and four and a half billion years of biotic evolution.


What is inertia?

Inertia can be defined as a property of matter by which it remains at the state of rest or in uniform motion in the same straight line unless acted upon by some external force


What is conservation of momentum?

The conservation of momentum states that, within some problem domain, the amount of momentum remains constant; momentum is neither created nor destroyed, but only changed through the action of forces as described by Newton's laws of motion.


What is fossil fuels?

is a generic term for non-renewable energy sources such as coal, coal products, natural gas, derived gas, crude oil, petroleum products and non-renewable wastes


What is specific heat?

Specific heat is defined by the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance 1 degree Celsius (°C)