The study of an organism's structure, what it looks like and where it belongs within the body
What is anatomy
-cid; -cis
cut, kill, fall
Provides support and protection
What is connective tissue
Occurs during interphase
What is the cell increases in size
Performs a specific and important function?
What is an organ
Map the body internally
What someone should know after studying anatomy
sprout, germ
Connective tissue that connects epithelial tissue to underlying tissue is called what?
What is loose
What do an ovum and sperm form when joined together?
What is a zygote
What is defined as two or more organs working together to perform a specific function?
What is an organ system
Anatomy and physiology helps people working in the healthcare profession with what?
What is understanding the parts of the body and how it works
Organ system that is responsible for protecting the body from contaminants
What is the lymphatic system
What organelle helps create protein?
What is a ribosome
What tissue protects the body from moisture loss, bacteria, and internal injury?
What is the epithelial tissue
Anatomy & physiology helps you provide patients with what two things?
What is accurate and reliable care
an act or process
6 levels
What is how many levels of structural organization are within the body
This is responsible for making more organisms
What is the reproductive system
This type of connective tissue is strong and dense
What is fibrous tissue
The study of an organisms purpose
What is physiology
having the character
Muscle tissue
What is allows the body to move
What forms cells?
What is molecules connected by covalent bonds
This is the lowest level of structural organization
What is chemical