This one!
General Mental Health
Important Mental Health Knowledge

Does listening to music help mental health problems?

Yes- music has been shown to increase positive chemicals in our brain similar to working out.

It is important to listen to specific music that does not make you feel depressed or down.

Listening to calming music increases the brains "happy" chemicals which improves mood and mental health.


Give an example of a positive coping skill.

exercise, positive expression of emotions, mindfulness, deep breathing, distraction such as counting, journal writing, etc…


What is something you will learn in this group?

DBT skills, healthy coping skills, emotion regulation, relationship skills, positive communication skills, mindfulness, etc…


Who suffers with mental health problems?

A. Anyone can suffer with mental health issues.

B. Only those raised in a bad family.

C. Only people with bad life experiences.

D. Only poor people.

A. Anyone can have mental health problems.


Name a common emotion?

Happy, mad, sad, scared, etc…


Do celebrities suffer with mental health problems?

Yes- mental health can impact ANYONE.


What should you do if you are worried about a friend or relatives mental health or drug use?

This is different for everyone and depends on your relationship, gently encouraging someone to seek appropriate support and help for their problems. Encourage them to talk to a professional to get help.


What is an example of mindfulness?

A. Being in the present moment.

B. Deep breathing

C. Meditating

D. All the above

D. All the above


Can you prevent mental health problems?

We can all suffer from mental health issues, but developing our well-being, resilience, coping skills, living a healthy lifestyle, and seeking help early can help prevent mental health issues from becoming serious.


What IS NOT HELPFUL when you are feeling depressed?

A. Exercise

B. Taking a shower/bath

C. Talking to someone supportive such as a professional

D. Having someone remind you to get over it.


If you get angry can you control your mood?

A. No way!

B. It is very difficult, but you can use techniques to calm down.

B. It is very difficult but you can use techniques to calm down.


What causes mental health problems?

A. Being a bad person.

B. Only psychological/emotional problems.

C. Only psychological/emotional problems and life events

D. Psychological/emotional problems, biological causes, social issues and life events

D. Psychological/emotional problems, biological causes, social issues and life events


What does DBT stand for? 

Bonus Points if you get the following answers right.

1. What is it? (+400)

2. Name one way using DBT can be helpful? (+400)

Dialectical behavioral therapy

Bonus Points: 

1. DBT is a structured treatment/therapy approach to help with extreme emotions and behavioral problems.

2. DBT skills help you learn to calm your brain, relax, de-escalate when emotional, manage stressful high emotional situations, improve emotions and improve relationships and behaviors.


Which of the following is a myth/NOT TRUE about mental health?

A. Mental health issues are something only adults suffer from.

B. Mental illnesses are caused by being lazy.

C. Mental health problems are made up and do not exist.

D. Mental illnesses are for life and there is NO recovery from them.

E. All the above

E. All the above

All the statements are NOT TRUE.


what is a trigger?

Give three examples of triggers that can lead to negative emotions?

A trigger is something, someone, a place or event that brings on negative emotions or negative memories. A trigger causes bad emotions that can lead to negative behaviors.

Being yelled at, a break up, parents using drugs, parents fighting, bullied, someone saying something mean, being around someone you don’t like, a smell, location, etc…


Explain a negative impact of drug use? A consequence of using drugs.

poor physical and mental health, death, legal problems, bad life choices, family issues, etc...


What is mental health?

We all have mental health that is made up of our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and behaviors. We can have good or bad mental health.

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being.

It affects how we think, feel and act.

It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others and make healthy choices.

Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.


Name a DBT coping skill?

Mindfulness, being in the present moment, deep breathing, emotion regulation, positive distractions, emotion expression, positive communication, positive interpersonal skills, etc…

Listed in the room.


Which of the following is true about suicide?

A. Suicide is highest among males.

B. There is no help for suicide thoughts.

C. Suicide is highest in females.

D. Suicide is the leading cause of death for children.

A. Suicide is highest among males.


What is the leading cause of death for children aged 12-19.

A. Homicide

B. Accidents

C. Suicide

D. Cancer

B. Accidents


Which is more important to keep healthy: emotional/mental health or physical health?

A. Looking after your body is the most important thing.

B. Our emotional well-being is as important as our physical well-being.

C. Only our emotional/mental health is important to keep healthy.

B- Our emotional well-being is AS important as our physical well-being. 

It is important to stay healthy BOTH physically AND mentally. 

If you are physically unhealthy that leads to being mentally unhealthy. If you are mentally unhealthy that leads to being physically unhealthy.

Mental health --> & <-- Physical health

Keep BOTH healthy.


What is the most common mental illness in children ages 12 to 17?

A. Anxiety.

B. Depression.

C. PTSD or trauma.

D. Adhd

Anxiety, depression, ADHD, and trauma related disorders are the most common mental illnesses for children with the HIGHEST being ANXIETY related disorders, such as generalized anxiety disorder or social anxiety as well as anxiety related to trauma.


Name one of the 5 main topics/skills group of DBT?

1. Thinking dialectically/following the middle path/balanced thinking

2. Mindfulness

3. Emotion regulation

4. Distress tolerance 

5. Interpersonal effectiveness

Posted in the room.


What was a negative impact of the Covid pandemic on children's mental health?

Increase in social isolation, lack of education, increase in anxiety and depression and overall mental health problems, etc…


Who can you contact if you are struggling with suicidal and/or homicidal thoughts?

A. You can text "988" to the suicide crisis lifeline.

B. You can tell a close family member, teacher or friend.

C. You can chat online for free, any time, at the suicide and crisis lifeline website.

D. You can call for free, confidential, any time to the suicide and crisis lifeline.

E. All the above

E. All the above

The suicide and crisis lifeline

Hours: 24 hours

Text: 988


Call: 988