Name weekend shift trainer(s) who have/ has birthday in March.
Who can request a certification revoke?
lead or supervisor.
What will you do if you can't scan a barcode on the MSL label?
Notify the lead.
You are attending this Training Staff meeting
What is the slowest animal in the world?
Three-toed sloths
When do we send an Urgent LMS request?
Line Down Situation
If your name has never established on the form, what is the proper way to correct the mistake?
a. Full Name, Initial, and Date.
b. Correction, Initial, and Date.
c. Correction, Full Name, and Initial.
d. Correction, Full Name, Initial, and Date.
d. Correction, Full Name, Initial, and Date
You get trained to OP 300, Vision Probe
How many states is Yellowstone National Park located in? What are they?
Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho.
What does OJT stand for?
On the Job Training
What is the proper way to discard a MSL label?
Deface the label, then throw it away to the trash bin
You get trained to "Intro to SAP/ Neptune, ILT."
Offline/ Group Training.
What is the nickname of Florida?
The Sunshine State.
What is the first step that we need to do after a new MPI is released?
Request a CID.
What SPP stands for? (SPP Tray)
Single Part Presentation.
You are introducing a new hire to his/ her team and supervisor.
New Hire Offline Activities
What is the smallest state in the US by land area?
Rhode Island
What type of certification should we use if we certify a technician to a down revision?
Use the form 800700-XX or GT 800082.
What are the redlines documents that we can use on the line?
Deviation and EBR.
You are attending a PT event.