Which is the odd one out, and why ?
French Japanese Canadian Spanish
Canadian. The other three are both languages and nationalities.
If someone is bilingual, what does it mean ?
Someone who can speak two languages.
What does 'Urdu' mean ?
The official language of Pakistan, also spoken by many people in India
It was piece of cake - ?
If you think something is very easy to do
When do we use the word " although" ?
Give an example !
"Although" is used to contrast two ideas.
Ex: Although we didn't know the city, we could find the way to our hotel.
What is the capital of Papua New Guinea ?
Port Moresby
What is Tok Pisin ?
A pidgin language spoken in Papua New Guinea.
What does ' Sanskrit ' mean ?
It is an ancient language of India, in which many Hindu religious texts are written.
I haven’t the faintest idea - ?
it is used to emphasize that you do not know something
When do we use "while/whereas" ?
Give an example !
Whereas and while balance two contrasting ideas.
Ex: Lisa has long brown hair, while/whereas her sister has fair haircut.
If someone is trilingual, what does it mean ?
Someone who can speak three different languages.
If someone is monolingual, what does it mean ?
Someone who can speak one language well.
What does 'steel' mean ?
A strong metal made from iron and carbon
Put your foot in it -?
To say something by accident that embarrasses or upsets someone
When do we use ' Present continuous' ?
Write 3 Formulas and give 3 examples
We use PC to talk about what is happening at the time of speaking, to describe how someone is feeling at the time of speaking .
What does ''emoji'' mean ?
The word emoji comes fom the Japanese 'e' meaning 'picture' and 'moji' - 'character'
Official languages of Papua New Guinea are ... ?
Tok Pisin, English and Hiri Motu.
What does ' confidence ' mean ?
It is a feeling that you can trust someone
Not a million years -?
A strong way of saying that something is extremely unlikely or impossible.
What is 'abstract noun' and how do we form ?
Give some examples !
A noun donating an idea, action, quality or state of being that cannot be seen or experienced.
They formed by adding suffixes : -ness, -hood, -y, -ty, ity etc.
kind-kindness, mother-motherhood, major-majority etc.
What is official language ?
Official language - the language that is used by a country's government, taught in schools and is used in the courts of law.
What is 'first language' ?
The first language is your native language.
What does 'leap' mean ?
Jump from one place to another , or high in the air.
I agree with you to some extent - ?
You can use it when you want to express that you agree with something, but not entirely.
What is an idiom ?
Give 3 examples !
An idiom is a group of words with a meaning that is difficult to guess from the meanings of the separate words. We often use idioms in conversation.