who came up with the idea to have a library?
who is ben franklin?
first part to the cave man story?
he was in the cave thinking about himself
what class is 200-299
what is 700-799
story behind 700-799
caveman ends up with alot of time on his hands, how does he use it? THE ARTS
who came up with the idea to organize the library?
who is melvil dewey?
second part to caveman story
he learns about religion
what class is 300-399
social sciences
what is 800-899
story behind 800-899
caveman wants to learn to share the knowledge, LITERATURE
what class is 0-99
what is general works?
third part to caveman story
he ventures out and learns about other people
what class is 400-499
what is 900-999
history, geography, biography
story behind 900-999
man learns all parts of the world around him, GEOGRAPHY,BIOGRAPHY,HISTORY
what class is 100-199
what is phycology and philosophy?
fourth part to story
what is 500-599
pure science
what is the caveman story behind 500-599
The caveman wonders how he can understand the world around him PURE SCIENCE
The topic after language is ?
what is pure science
what does the caveman do after he learns himself?
what is learning religion?
what are the 10 main classes ?
what are general works, philosophy, Religion, Social Sciences, Language, Science, Technology, Arts, Literature, history and geography
what is 600-699
applied science
story behind 600-699
caveman learns how to use what he has learned APPLIED SCIENCE
what comes after the arts ?
what is literature ?