Newborn Essentials
Motherhood Facts
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Postpartum Care
Baby Care Basics

What is the term for the baby's first bowel movements, which are typically dark and sticky?

What is meconium?


True or False: You should never wake a sleeping baby to feed them.

What is false?


True or False: Breast milk changes in composition to meet a baby's evolving nutritional needs.

What is true?

What is the term for the condition in which a new mother experiences deep sadness and emotional distress after giving birth?

What is postpartum depression?


What is the approximate number of hours a newborn baby typically sleeps in a day during the first few weeks of life?

What is 16 to 20 hours?


This simple practice of wrapping a baby tightly in a blanket helps soothe and calm them.

What is swaddling?


Daily Double



According to the World Health Organization (WHO), how long is exclusive breastfeeding recommended for infants?

What is recommended for the first six months of life?


What is the term for the bonding process between a mother and her newborn immediately after birth?

What is skin-to-skin contact or "the golden hour"?


What is the recommended room temperature for a newborn's nursery?

What is around 68-72°F (20-22°C)


The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends placing newborns on their __________ to sleep to reduce the risk of SIDS.

What is their back?


True or False: It's necessary for breastfeeding mothers to avoid all spicy foods.

What is false?


What is the primary antibody-rich component of breast milk that helps protect newborns from infections?

What is colostrum?


What is the recommended duration of abstaining from sexual intercourse after childbirth to allow the body to heal?

What is 6 weeks?


To prevent discomfort from gas, it's important to do this after feeding your baby.

What is burping?


Named after a pioneering American anesthesiologist, this quick assessment is performed one minute after birth to evaluate a newborn's overall health and well-being. What is it called?

What is the "Apgar test"?


True or False: A woman's heart can actually grow during pregnancy, increasing in size and capacity.

What is True?

 -to accommodate the body's changing needs.


What is the feeding method that encourages infants to explore solid foods at their own pace?

What is baby led feeding?


Daily Double

What is witch hazel?


This ingredient, found in many diaper rash creams, is known for its ability to create a protective barrier on the baby's skin. What is it?

What is "zinc oxide"?


Within hours of birth, infants often receive a vaccine to protect them against a highly contagious virus that can cause liver disease. What is the name of this vaccine?

What is the "Hepatitis B vaccine"?


This myth suggests that _________ during pregnancy means your baby will have a full head of hair.

What is heartburn?


What is vegetable that is used to halt the production of breastmilk?

What are cabbages?


This exercise is beneficial for postpartum recovery and can help with bladder control and strengthening pelvic muscles.

What is pelvic floor exercises?

The umbilical cord stump typically falls off on its own within a certain number of weeks. How many weeks does it usually take for this to happen?

What is "1 to 3 weeks"?