Client Interaction/billing
EHR + Intakes
Interventions AND Diagnosis
Documentation/Treatment plans

Where can you find your current monthly amount billed in EHR? 

On the home page- graph


What timeframe should referrals be reached out by once assigned?

24-48 hours of receiving referral


What is an example of a mindfulness activity you can use? 


Deep breathing


Grounding exercises

Focusing on 5 senses

Becoming aware of thoughts


Documentation for Monday is due what day? 



Your client asks if they can add you on Facebook. Should you add them? 


(h) Social workers should avoid accepting requests from or engaging in personal relationships with clients on social networking sites or other electronic media to prevent boundary confusion, inappropriate dual relationships, or harm to clients

The client was not available or present, but you met with the new TBS worker for a transfer to their school. Can you bill for coordinating with the new TBS worker?

NO- client was not present so you are unable to bill for this.


What document is always required on an annual basis for all clients? 

Handbook Acknowledgements


What is the definition of a coping skill? 

An adaptation to environmental stress that is based on conscious or unconscious choice and that enhances control over behavior or gives psychological comfort.


True or FALSE- You can "round up" your billing time as long as it is not aggregious. Example: you spoke with a client for 7 minutes, 36 seconds and then billed for 8 minutes.

FALSE- billing time is LIVE TIME.


Who is our client right's officer? 

Ashley Kolasinski


What would be 1 reason for billing CPST instead of TBS? 

Observation ONLY, information and referral ONLY


Who do ROI's get sent to in EHR?

Cynthia Warner- Medical records

What are 3 diagnosis that "difficulty concentrating" is linked to? 

Major depressive disorder, ptsd, anxiety disorders, ADHD

What is the difference between an objective and an intervention? 

Objective: An objective is a tangible, specific and measurable step towards achieving a goal.

Intervention: a strategy or action that helps to achieve the objective.


Your client presents to the school and reports to you they plan on ending their lives today once they leave school. We have been unable to reach the guardian to get a release of information signed for the school. You try to reach the guardian again, unfortunately they cannot be reached. Is it ethical to let the school know of the situation without a release of information?

YES. At this time, the client's safety prioritizes over HIPAA.


What is the monthly client interaction target for November for a TBS worker? 


Under what 2 circumstances is a new intake needing completed? 

Change of guardianship

Client turns 18


What is an evidenced based intervention for Generalized anxiety disorder? 

  • CBT
  • Cognitive Therapy
  • Applied Relaxation
  • ACT therapy
  • Mindfulness
  • Medication (SSRIs, SNRI)

What 2 documents are required when billing crisis? 

Personal Safety plan

Crisis SCreen


You are leaving the agency and have put your 30 days notice in. You let your client know, and they asked if they could have your phone number to keep in touch and let you know how they're doing. You feel this would help the client in their transition to a new staff. Should you give your number? 

No. This goes against Social work code of ethics- (a) Social workers should terminate services to clients and professional relationships with them when such services and relationships are no longer required or no longer serve the clients’ needs or interests. 


What are the 4 location codes we can bill? 






What does the OBHIS stand for and what is it used for?  (must answer both parts to question)

Ohio Behavioral Health Information System (OBHIS)

Client-level episode of care information and outcomes reporting system.  


Name 6 symptoms of inattentive ADHD.

a. fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes

b. difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play (focused)

c. Often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly 

d. Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish tasks (sidetracked)

e. Often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities (time management issues, disorganization) 

f.  reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort

g. Often loses things.

h. Is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli 

i. Is often forgetful


1. What does TBS stand for?

2. AND what services can they provide? (must list 4)

(A) Therapeutic behavioral services 

1-  service planning for individualized supports 

2- care coordination of healthcare, behavioral healthcare, and non-healthcare services 

3- development of a treatment plan

4-  Referral and linkage to other healthcare, behavioral healthcare, and non-healthcare services 

5-  Interventions using evidence-based techniques;

6-  Identification of strategies or treatment options;

7 - Restoration of social skills and daily functioning; and,

8-  Crisis prevention and amelioration.


Who can a family member or client contact to file a grievance? Please name 2 people or organizations.

ashley kolasinski (clients rights officer)

Lucas county mental health and recovery board

Office of civil rights

 Ohio department of health and human services

 US department of health and human services