What is a calculator in French?
Une calculatrice
How to say gym in French?
How to say principal in French?
la/le principal(e)
What is cafeteria in French?
La cantine
How many years of high school do French people in Reunion have?
3 years
What is le sac a dos?
A backpack
Name 3 science classes.
La biologie, la science de la vie, la science de la terre, les sciences sociales, la chimie
What is teacher in French?
le/la prof
What is high school in French?
le lycee
What is the average time students in Reunion go to school?
8 am
What is une trousse?
A pencil bag
What is la physique?
What is a student in French
What some subjects students take in Reunion island?
Le francais, l'histoire, le maths, le geographie, Le chinois
What is le cahier, le ciseaux, and l'ordinateur
Notebook, Scissor, and Computer
What are some music classes?
La chorale and l'orchestre
What is director in French?
le directeur
What is le college?
Middle school
What is the average time Reunion students come back from school?
5:30 or 17:30
What are some items in une trousse?
Un stylo, un crayon, un ciseaux, crayon de couleur, une gomme
Name 3 langues vivantes
cours de l'espagnol, l'allemand, le chinois
What is a coach sportif?
Sports coach
What is mediatheque?
media library
How long are their lunches in Reunion?
1 hour