Populism and Progressivism
WWI and After
The 1920s
Great Depression/New Deal
Wild Card

Which supreme court decision established the doctrine "separate but equal"?

Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)


The name of the organization Woodrow Wilson pushed for in the Treaty of Versailles (and that it did eventually adopt), which aimed to ensure a collaboration between nations to prevent future wars.

League of Nations


John Scopes was put on trial for what in 1925?

Teaching evolution.


What brought the U.S. out of the Depression?

Spending on WWII.


Radio address used by FDR to speak directly to Americans to mobilize support for the New Deal and link them to American traditions and his definition of freedom.

What are "fireside chats"?


What was the Australian Ballot and how was it a Progressive Reform that actually limited democratic participation?

It made it more difficult for illiterate people to vote (due to the ballots being secret/private - no assistance at the polls).


During World War I, a political revolution occurred in which country?



What film is partially credited for the resurgence of the "Second Klan" beginning in 1915?

What is Birth of a Nation?

BONUS [200 points]: Which president showed it at the White House?


Why did FDR try to "pack the court" in 1937?

FDR proposed adding new justices to the Supreme Court to obtain favorable ruling on New Deal legislation that the Court had deemed unconstitutional.

BONUS [200 points] - FDR's plan would have added one extra justice for every member of the court who was ______________________________.


This woman spoke out on public issues, wrote a newspaper column that disagreed openly with FDR's policies, and worked to enlarge the scope of the New Deal in areas like civil rights, labor legislation, and work relief.

Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?


The Progressive Presidents, despite their diverse political ideas, shared a common belief. What was this central belief?

The only way to achieve freedom was through active national governments.


British spies published the Zimmerman Telegram in 1917 which uncovered what proposed deal?

Germany offered Mexico: “declare war against the US and regain your territory lost in the Mexican War.”


This philosophy (that private corporations could more effectively provide pensions and insurance than the government) was popular in the 1920s.

What is welfare capitalism?


This phase of FDR's policymaking was aimed at long-term reforms for economic security rather than relief and recovery, and included efforts to redistribute wealth and power.

Second New Deal

BONUS [300 points]: Name two major acts passed as part of the Second New Deal that aimed to (1) empower unions and (2) provide old-age and disability insurance.


This economist challenged the sanctity of balanced budgets and insisted that large-scale spending was necessary to stimulate economic activity during economic downturns.

Who is John Maynard Keynes?


This Progressive ideology exalted women’s capacities to mother and extended to society as a whole the values of care, nurturance, and morality.

Maternalist [ideology, public policy, reforms]


In 1917 and 1918, these were the first federal restrictions on free speech since 1798.

What are the Espionage and Sedition Acts?


Regarding education, in 1922, Oregon became the first state to . . . 

Ban private schools.


1. The power of the Solid South* to mold New Deal legislation to maintain white supremacy and black exclusion in the south [phrase].

2.  How did this power influence Social Security to suit its purposes?

*Democratic electoral voting bloc

1. What is the "southern veto"?

2. Social Security excluded agricultural and domestic workers, the largest categories of black employment.


What did the 21st amendment (ratified in 1933) do? 

AND list a financial incentive for this to pass during the Depression.

Repeal of prohibition.

-To create tax revenue on the sale of alcohol.


Supreme Court decision in which a Supreme Court Justice wrote: "Three generations of imbeciles are enough."

What is Buck v. Bell?


What are three reasons the U.S. maintained its democratic system during the Depression while Germany did not?

Answers will vary.  

May the best one(s) win.


Why was the case of two Italian immigrants for murder in 1921 representative of the political and cultural mood of the 1920s?

What were the names of the two immigrants?

In 1921, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, both Italian-Americans, were convicted of robbery and murder. Although the arguments brought against them were mostly disproven in court, the fact that the two men were known radicals (and that their trial took place during the height of the Red Scare) prejudiced the judge and jury against them. On April 9, 1927, Sacco and Vanzetti's final appeal was rejected, and the two were sentenced to death.


Established in 1935 and dissatisfied with the work of the American Federation of Labor, this organization aimed to secure "economic freedom and industrial democracy" for American workers.

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)


A recent massive proposal for investments in clean-energy jobs and infrastructure, meant to transform not just the energy sector, but the entire economy.

What is "the Green New Deal"?