Four Letter Words
When it all goes wrong
Starts with "M"
Sweet Dreams
Nothing Left Behind

This organization releases guidelines annually which inform perioperative nursing practice and influence hospital policy. 

What is the AORN?


Most postoperative complications occur within ___ hours.

What is 48 hours.


This type of suture comes in an orange box and is often used for skin closure. 

What is Monocryl?


This is the earliest and often missed sign of Malignant Hyperthermia. It is followed by muscle rigidity, increased temperature and ventricular dysrhythmias. 

What is increased end-tidal carbon dioxide?


This is something that can never be sterilized and if found renders the whole tray contaminated. 

What is bioburden? 

Accepted: What is tissue/blood? 


This protocol includes a pre-op carb drink, multimodal pain management, maintenance of intra-op normothermia and early mobilization after surgery. 

What is ERAS?


In which element of the fire triangle does a laser or ESU device belong?

What is ignition source.


This metabolic disorder can be triggered by certain inhaled anesthetics and succinylcholine. 

What is Malignant Hyperthermia?


Induction, excitement, maintenance and emergence are examples. 

What are the phases of anesthesia?


This type of instrument cleaning occurs prior to sterilizations and uses high frequency sound waves to form microscopic bubbles which help remove debris. 

What is ultrasonic cleaning?


This fracture table is used for positioning a patient for a hip surgery with an anterior approach. 

What is HANA?


During an allergic reaction, blood pressure ____?

What is decreases.


This broad category of surgery is performed either using a surgical robot or by using laparoscopic instruments.

What is minimally invasive surgery?


Sugammadex, Naloxone and Flumazenil are examples of...

What are reversal agents? 

Sugammadex for rocuronium, vecuronium, and pancuronium

Naloxone for opiods

Flumazenil for benzodiazapines


These are used to track and verify the conditions of the sterilization process have been met, but do not guarantee sterility.

What are chemical indicators?


This surgical hemostat is used to clamp heavy tissues or organs and shares its name with a prominent teaching hospital in Minnesota. 

What is a mayo? 

Note: Dr. Charles Horace Mayo (1865-1939) 


An area of painful skin that is abraded, blistered, or has shallow craters would be classified as which stage of pressure injury?

What is stage II.

You should have this available if the patient undergoing surgery has a pacemaker. 

What is a magnet?


With this type of anesthesia involves administering sedatives and monitoring the patient. It is often used in conjunction with regional or local anesthesia to perform surgery. 

What is MAC? 

Accepted: What is monitored anesthesia care?

In addition to the chemical indicator, this item must be included in instrument trays. It contains bacterial spores and is the only way to measure the lethality of a sterilization cycle. 

What are/is a biological indicator?


This is the type of sterilization method which should only be used when absolutely necessary and the item is needed for immediate use. It should never be used for implants.

What is IUSS? 

Also Accepted: Immediate Use Steam Sterilization


______occurs during arthroscopic or endoscopic surgery within a joint seeps into surrounding tissues, causing serious complications such as edema of surrounding tissue, abdominal distension, and intra-abdominal compartment syndrome. 



This is the generic name for Versed. 

What is Midazolam?


A circulator may be asked to do this in conjunction with intubation in order to decrease the risk for aspiration. It can also assist the anesthesia provider with viewing the vocal cords and should not be stopped until the ET tube placement is confirmed. 

What is cricoid pressure? 

Accepted: What is apply cricoid pressure? 


Application of this product is the first step in the instrument decontamination process. 

What is enzymatic cleaner? 

Accepted: What is enzymatic spray?