Lancer Expectations
Lancer Pride
ACS Faces
MS Schedule
Wild Card

The most common activity played in the Backfield during Lunch/Recess

What is football/soccer? (basketball a close 2nd)

Lunch/recess time needs to be a time for exercise and fun, but not high emotions and over-competiveness.  Play with respect and have fun!

Must leave the Backfield when the 2:30 pm bell rings and/or when the supervisors blow the whistle or tell you it's time to go to class.


At ACS Middle School, "we leave things better than ...."

What is "We Found It"?

Show your Lancer Pride by picking up after yourself and your classmates. We have done well overall.  However, there has been trash left in the Backfield, where there is not supposed to be any food.  No food on the Backfield soccer fields!


MS Counselor who also is teaching two sections of 6th grade Social Studies

Who is Mr. Kalogridakis?


The block/period that comes after every first block/period everyday (other than Thursdays)

What is BASE?


I should wait to use the restroom or fill my water bottle during classtime.

True or False

What is False?

ALL students need to be ready for class right from the start of class - restroom breaks or filling water bottles need to happen during breaks.


Students are expected to get into these in the Cafeteria during Lunch

What are Lines?

Single file and organized lines are the expectation.  Do not budge or cut or bunch.  Line up in an orderly manner.  Please do not run from class to the Cafeteria.

If we cannot be orderly, we will have a new line up process


The last day of the school week is known as this.

What is Fist Bump Fridays?

Let's show our enthusiasm and love for ACS Athens and each other!


MS Teacher Aide who helps in Math and Language Arts classes and helps supervise during Snack Time and Lunch.  Puppy 

Who is Ms. Skantzos?


Class period/block that is only on Wednesdays and is sometimes used for extra help with teachers or assemblies

What is Flex?


An area that is not a hallway and is off-limits during Lunch Time unless supervised by a Staff member

What is the Gym?

No one should be in the Gym during Lunch nor Snack Time.  Please do not go through the Gym on the way back to class from Lunch/Recess.  Go around from the outside.


The number of times you may check out a school laptop per quarter

What is 3?

Need to remember to bring our laptops/devices each day folks (and fully charged).


The "B" in BASE stands for this

What is Bonding, or Building relationships?

Enjoy your time at school and with your classmates by treating each other with kindness and respect.


MS Teacher Aide who helps in many of the ESL and EFL classes and helps supervise the Backfield during Lunch.  Also a Dance instructor.

Who is Ms. Kollileka?


A time where you can take a break to get some food and nourishment, exercise, use the restroom, and fill up water bottles

What is Snack Time?

There is plenty of time to take a break and take care of your needs, but we MUST be to class on time!


A place that students are required to keep their bookbags, cell phones, and other personal items

What is an academic locker?

You must keep items in your academic lockers and not on top of the lockers, the hallway, or in the classrooms.


Something a student receives for being late to class - often due to being disorganized, lazy, or simply irresponsible with their time

What is a Tardy?

We are getting better with tardies, but there needs to be much more of a priority and effort to get to class on time (or we have to learn with consequences).


In a world where we can be anything, be ....

What is KIND?

Just be Nice to each other.  Bullying/harassment will NOT be tolerated!  Kind is Kool!


The Coordinator of the ACS Schools Counseling Department and the Counselor helping and advocating for 8th graders

Who is Ms. Makris?


The time students may enter the school building at the beginning of the school day and the 1st MS bell

What is 8:50 am?

Classes start at 9:00 am, not 9:05 or 9:10 or 9:02.


Electronic devices not allowed duruing the ACS MS school day

What are cell phones/smart phones?

Phones must be kept in your academic lockers or book bags inside of your lockers - NOT in your pocket or jacket or who knows where!


Underwear, midriffs/bellies, hats and hoods

What are things that cannot be shown or worn at ACS MS?

These are violations of our dress code.  They need to be followed or there will need to be consequences.  Wearing of hats and hoods are especially being violated, as is the showing of bellies (with our female students).


People who want you to be academically successful and care about your overall health and well-being

Who are the MS Teachers/Staff?

They are Rockstars!  Show your gratitude for them by saying 'Thank You' and by being respectful and polite.


The coolest Assitant Principal who may need to remind you of being a respectful Citizen and demonstrate that Lancer Pride

Who is Ms. Rontogiannis?


The number of times each academic class/block will meet during a regular full week

What is 3?


The act of intentionally damaging public or private property and punishable by law

What is vandalism?

This issue of vandalism has improved in the restrooms, however, we still have times of gross and disrespectful treatment going on.  Do the right thing by reporting such stupid behaviors (it can easily remain anonymous).