Things that begin with D
The 12 Steps
Stinking Thinking
Famous and Addicted
The street lingo/name for heroin.

What is Dope?


A person that will support, challenge, and help you in the time of a crisis. They will help you work through the step work and guide you to a healthier lifestyle.

What/who is a sponsor?

The thought of returning to chemical use. 

What is a relapse?


She was addicted to cocaine and she wanted to dance with somebody.

Who is Whitney Houston?


The substance that accounts for the most accidents resulting in DUI.

What is alcohol?


A physical and/or psychological need for a mood- altering subtsance.

What is drug dependence?


A small plastic disc or coin awarded on joining AA/NA and on completion of 24 hours, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 6 months, one year, and so on. Each coin/disc is a different color.

What is a chip or token?


Coping by engaging in actions rather than acknowledging and bearing certain feelings. For example, rationalizing, intellectualizing, blaming, minimizing, joking, and so on. 

What are defense mechanisms?


This actress died of barbiturate overdose at the age of 47 and she was off to the see the wizard.

Who is Judy Garland?


Get an uber, call a friend, drink non-alcoholic beverages, etc...

What are ways to prevent getting a DUI?


Lying to other's and/or self about what is actually happening.

What is dishonest?


A 12 step recovery program for the family members and friends of someone in addiction.

What is Al-anon?


Afraid, embarrassed, hurt, discouraged, happy, jealous, untrusting, hopeful, excited, overwhelmed, etc...

What are feelings that people need to identify and learn to cope with to prevent relapse?


She made headlines in 1989 by going to rehab at just 13 and announcing she was an addict. She was 6 when the movie E.T. launched her career. She says she started drinking when she was 9, and quickly moved on to marijuana and cocaine. She spent her teenage years trying to overcome her addiction.

Who is Drew Barrymore?


A pre-trial intervention program for first time non-violent offenders.

What is Accelerated rehabilitation disposition (ARD)?


A headspace that can lead to a low and dark place for an individual.  Can lower someone's mood. Using substances to self-medicate instead of seeking counselor.  

What is Depression?


We admitted we were powerless over our addiction and that our lives had become unmanageable.

What is step 1?


I want what I want and I want it NOW!

What is King baby syndrome?


The guitar legend survived a rock culture of drug experimentation. He was addicted to heroin, alcohol, and cocaine. 

Who is Eric Clapton?


You will be charged with the highest level of DUI in PA and be given the strictest set of penalties allowed by law if you do this when arrested.

What happens if you refuse to give a blood sample when being arrested for DUI? It is called refusal, and you will be given the maximum sentence.


Self- deception that prevents substance use users from admitting to themselves or others that the destructive nature of their drug/alcohol use is not a problem. 

What is denial?


Ways of thinking about ourselves that are out of context with the real facts, resulting in our either under-valuing or over-valuing ourselves.

Ex.) I have so many problems, I might as well give up right now.

What is an irrational belief?


Rock and roll guitarist was open about his addiction. He admitted to snorting cocaine, heroin, and alcohol through the years, and even once his father’s ashes in a cocaine line. He gave up heroin in 1978 after being busted five times. 

Who is Keith Richards?


High Rate (BAC .10 – .159)

What is a tier 2 DUI?

Tier 1: General Impairment (BAC .08 – .099)

Tier 3. Highest Rate (BAC .16 +); Controlled Substance (Drug DUI) ; Refusal of Chemical Test ( blood)