What is the name of Lorelai's parents
Emily and Richard Gilmore
Who makes laws for the magical world
The Ministry of Magic
Who was the song Back to December written about
Taylor Lautner
What is the name of the town where the show takes place
Stars Hollow
What is the name of the pub at the entrance to Diagon Alley
The Leaky Cauldron
What is Taylor Swift's middle name
What is the name of the inn that Lorelai and Sookie eventually buy and run
Dragonfly Inn
What do the students call the Gryffindor ghost
Nearly Headless Nick.
What was Taylor Swift's first single
Tim McGraw
Who is Rory’s first boyfriend on the show
Dean Forester
What painting guards the entrance to the Gryffindor common room
The Fat Lady
What artist is Taylor Swift named after
James Taylor
What is the name of the coffee shop that Lorelai and Rory frequent
Luke's Diner
To be allowed to Apparate, you must do two things what are they?
Be at least 17 years old and get your license
What classic story-turned-Disney-movie is referenced in a song on the folklore album
Peter Pan
Who is Lorelai’s best friend and business partner
What is the main ingredient in Harry Potter's wand
A phoenix feather
What is Taylor Swift's longest song title
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
What event does Stars Hollow hold annually on the first snowfall?
The Reenactment of the Battle of Stars Hollow
Who is Harry Potter's godfather
Sirius Black
What type of farm did Taylor Swift grow up on
Christmas Tree Farm