Hear Ye, Hear Ye
P and P
Save the Children
I'm Innocent
Take the Fall
FCC Wild Card

Written order requiring an individual to appear in court

What is a subpoena


Sentencing alternative requires offenders to spend at least some of their time working for a community agency?

What is Community Service.


A child that does not receive proper care from parents or guardians.

What is a neglected child.


Prison argot

What is prison slang?


Community service and home detention are examples of what type of sentencing?

What is Alternative Sentencing


First step in the juvenile justice system

What is Intake


Formal written accusation submitted to the court by a grand jury alleging a person committed a felony?

What is an Indictment


Period of conditional supervised release in the community following a prison term.

What is Parole


An act that is declared by statute to be an offense but only when committed by a juvenile, such as truancy

What is a Status Offense


Prison process used to determine what treatment and other programs are needed by an inmate upon arrival?

What is Classification


Sentencing of a minimum of 4 and not more than 8 years in prison

What is Indeterminate Sentencing


Jury that is isolated from the public and removed from outside influences

What is a sequestered jury


Pretrial release of individuals arrested for serious crimes based on a written agreement to appear in court as required

What is Release on recognizance


Authority that issues Parole

What is a Parole Board


In 1899 was the first state to create the first Juvenile Court Act that applied the term delinquent instead of criminal to juvenile offenders and the betterment of the child was a priority

What is Illinois


Primary objective of the juvenile courts?

What is rehabilitation


Sentencing goal that emphasizes taking revenge on offenders?

What is Retribution


Court writ that directs the person detaining a prisoner to bring that prisoner before a judge to determine the lawfulness of the imprisonment

What is a Writ of Habeus Corpus


American criminal trial courts operate under this structure?

What is an adversarial system


Type of profession of John Augustus who is known as the Father of Probation and took in offenders as an alternative to prison

What is a bootmaker


The common law principle that allows the State to assume parental control and take custody of the delinquent or abandoned child?

What is Parens’ Patriae


An early American system of imprisonment that emphasized solitary confinement and saw penance as the way to rehabilitation?

What is the Pennsylvania System


To shorten a sentence, an inmate receives what when they participate in projects, programs and work inside the prison

What is Gain time


Passed by Congress in 2003, what is required by prisons to share and collect data about certain types of assaults in prisons called PREA

What is the Prison Rape Elimination Act.


Complaints of prison conditions by inmates, which are brought under the 8th Amendment, must show what by prison officials?

What is deliberate indifference


Courts complete this before sentencing that could include the offenders past history including family history, criminal friends, substance abuse, and school/work performance.

What is a Pre-Sentence Investigation


Landmark US Supreme court case guaranteed juveniles many of the same procedural due process rights as adults?

What is In Re Gault


Inmate organization whose members act together to pose a threat to corrections staff ?

What is a Security Threat Group


Sentencing goal that attempts to make the victim and community “whole again.”

What is Restorative Sentencing


Type of evidence that proves a fact without requiring the judge to draw inferences.

What is Direct Evidence