Susan, Mae and Will
Who is Geoff's Family?
What is Geoff's Favorite Sport Team
The X-Flies
What does Aaaron like to watch?
Walking on the Beach
What is Christine's favorite winter activity?
My Mom's Caramels
What is Scott's Favorite Christmas Food?
Cody, Dylan, Maddy
What are the Names of Jeremy's Family?
Cincinnati Reds
Who is Shyla's favorite sports team?
Ted Lasso
What does Jeremy like to watch?
Skiing and cross country
What is Jeremy's favorite winter activity?
What is Geoff's Favorite Christmas Drink or Food?
Zach, Tish and Nancy
Who is Andy's Family?
Chicago Blackhawks
Who is Andy's favorite sports team?
No Favorite
What is Jason's favorite thing to stream?
Going to see Christmas Lights
What is Shyla's favorite winter activity?
Lovefeast Bun
What is Emma's Favorite Christmas Food?
Amber, Leland and Piper
Who's Family is Aaron's?
Seattle Mariners
Who is Aaron's favorite sports team?
Anything on Hallmark Channel
What is Scott's favorite thing to stream?
Making Harty Soups
What is Jason's favorite winter activity?
What is Andy's Favorite Christmas Drink?
Corey and Leeroy?
Who is Shyla's Family?
Who is Emma's favorite sports team?
What is Emma's favorite thing to stream?
Ice Skating
What is Scott's favorite winter activity?
Sushi - on Christmas Eve
What is Jason's Favorite Christmas Food?