Roll off

What screen can I find the customer's contact info along with the Sales person?

What is Screen 14


In OCS what does it mean when a route is blinking bright green?  Customize your answer to your LOB.

What is:

In Commercial: The route is 90% or higher complete.

In R/O the last ticket has been started on the route.


What actions does dispatch take when a driver calls and says a truck is blocking the can. 

What is:

Pull up account, put driver on hold, call customer and either speak with them or leave a message. advise driver of outcome of call. Notate screen 3 no matter if customer said they will move the truck, or you left a voicemail. 


what is the SOP if a driver calls in saying he has a hot load or a truck fire?

What is:

Alert your fellow dispatchers that you are logging out of the queue for a hot load, ask someone to reach out to the RM while you determine if the driver needs us to call 911. Stay on the line with the driver until the RM or Emergency services arrives on site with the driver.

what is the difference between a S/O and an E/R

what is:

S/O: the driver brings a box with them and swap it out for the same size full box

E/R: no box is brought to the customer the driver will pick up the full box, dump it and return it back to the same customer


Where would i enter internal notes after I have performed an action on an account?

what is Screen 3 for internal notes


What actions needs to take place in order to close an HOC complete?

What is: check screen 3 to see if customer has already been contacted. If not we need to contact the customer about the issue and determine best recovery date. Notate screen 3 with all actions taken.


What 3 things need to happen to be considered a properly documented HOC?

What is:

1)Driver called in

2) Dispatch called the customer while driver is      onsite 

3) All actions are notated in screen 3. 


How can you tell in OCSD if the driver has a helper that day?

what is:

In compass type it will say dual vs single and the truck type (FL, RL).


What is the difference in these box sizes?




what is:

30O 30 yard open top

20C  20 yard Breakaway compactor

S42 42 yard self contained compactor


Are there any routing notes for the driver and where would i see those?

What is Screen 4


What does a red check mark in the workload column mean?

What is:

An HOC or Trip. (not serviced)


Where would I see if a customer is serviced weekly, biweekly, monthly, or on call?

What is:

Screen 5 in Occurs


Can a Trash truck pick up a recycling load and vice versa?

what is:

a Rcy driver cannot pick up trash because it will contaminate the entire load, but a trash driver could pick up a contaminated RCY load if the customer is unable to take the trash out of it and requests us to service it as trash.


what is the process when we get a trip ticket? 

what is:

When a driver cannot service the customer, and screen 3 notes don't indicate the customer has been contacted, then Call the customer and advise of the issue, then notate screen 3. 

Next we determine if it is the result of the customers actions (blocked can, overloaded, empty etc.) resulting in a trip fee or our mistake (wrong truck size, ticket not voided if cancelled, driver missed service window) we would remove the trip fee if it is our mistake. 


What is the most recent ticket on this account? is it opened or closed? What screen would i see this on?

What is screen 15


How can i determine if the truck for a route is a Front Load, Rear Load, Side Load?

What is:

Either by the truck # FL is 200 and RL trucks start with a 300 and SL start with a 100

You can also see this info in compass type. 


What is the time frame that we are required to reply to emails in our shared email boxes?

What is:

1 hour


Can a FL truck pick up a RL can?

what is:

No the trucks are designed to pick up their designated can types. 


What is the difference between a DNR and a DNE?

what is:

DNR is a do not return that requires a weight at the dump site to close the ticket out and a DNE is an empty box that the customer no longer needs and does not require a weight. 


How many Times per week is this customer serviced? Which screen would i find this?

What is Screen 5


How can you tell which routes have been started and which haven't?

What is: 

The little blue man in work status box vs the white box that says none if not started. 


what do these Box Sizes represent?






What is:

2FL=2 Yard Frontload trash

4RL=4 yard Rear-load trash

3FY= 3 yard Frontload Recycle

2FQ= 2 yard frontload trash oncall

8FC= 8 yard frontload compactor trash


what is the process if a customer has 3 or more HOC's in a 60 day period?

What is:

Research the issue, has the customer been made aware of the issue if not start there, if so and we still can't get a resolution then include the salesperson to help find a solution to the ongoing service issue.


If a driver started an E/R but cannot finish due to truck breakdown or the landfill being closed when they arrive, what is the process to ensure we finish the load for the customer?

what is:

Driver changes the E/R to a BTY, causing the system to auto genreate an FFY ticket for the next day. The driver assigned the FFY will dump and weigh the load  and return the box back to the customer.