Word Origin
Rural Diversity
Disability Inclusion

This state’s name originates from the phrase “land where the water reflects the sky.”

What is Minnesota


The fastest growing racial/ethnic group in rural America

What is Latine (also called Latinx, Latino or Latina)


This U.S. law, enacted in 1990, prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities and mandates accessibility in public spaces and workplaces.

What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)


This religion, founded in the 6th century BCE in India, follows the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama and emphasizes the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path.

What is Buddhism


Born in Memphis, Tennessee, this performer was named "Rolling Stones Greatest Singer of All Time" in 2023.

Who is Arethea Franklin


This now popular condiment in the U.S. was inspired by a fermented fish sauce from southern China that was completely tomato-free.

What is Ketchup


Indigenous people in pre-Columbian North America developed a system of companion planting growing together in a mutually beneficial system. These three crops were typically known as the "Three Sisters."

What are maize (corn), beans and squash


This is the practice of designing products, environments and systems to be usable by all people, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.

What is Universal Design


This holy book is believed to be the word of God as revealed to Prophet Muhammad.

What is the Qur'an


This reigning king of corridos tumbados and his song “Ella Baila Sola” made it to the first regional Mexican top 10 in the Billboard Hot 100’s 65-year history.

Who is Peso Pulma


This word comes from the Latin word, which meant “ignorant.” Today, the word is one of the most popular adjectives and overused to describe someone who is unpleasant.

What is "nice".


This term describes the gap between those who have access to modern information and communication technology such as the internet, and those who do not, particularly in rural areas.

What is the Digital Divide


In the Paralympic Games, athletes with physical disabilities compete in various sports. There is a parallel event that showcases the talents of athletes with intellectual disabilities.

What are the Special Olympics


Greatly revered by the Druids, this plant is the healer and protector. Its magical properties are believed to be connected to the fact that it lives between the worlds, between sky/heaven and earth. Kissing under it has become a tradition.

What is Mistletoe 


This public charity foundation founded by Beyoncé Knowles-Carter is known for focusing on economic inclusion.

What is BeyGOOD


The expression “Butter someone up,” which means “to impress someone with flattery,” originates from a customary religious act in one country.

What is India


This term is used in anthropology to mean a society that lacks diversity. This word is also used to describe the agricultural practice of growing one crop species in a field at a time.

What is monoculture.


This language uses the visual-manual modality to convey meaning, instead of spoken words.

What is Sign Language


Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is one of the most celebrated and cherished Hindu festivals. Diwali marks the beginning of this new year in the Hindu calendar.

What is Vikram Samvat


35 years after releasing her hit song 'Fast Car,' this famous artist won her first Country Music Award (CMA) in 2023.

Who is Tracy Chapman


For Dakota people, the confluence of the Mississippi and Minnesota rivers has a name.

What is Bdote (/ba-dote-tay/)


This famous civil rights activist grew up on a farm in Montgomery County, Mississippi, picking cotton in the 1920s. She was a key organizer, who advocated for voting rights, particularly for African Americans in the Southern United States. Calling for mandatory integrated state delegations, she co-founded the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party and helped to found the National Women’s Political Caucus.

Who is Fannie Lou Hamer


 These refer to making alterations in the workplace that help people with disabilities work comfortably and safely. 

What are Reasonable Adjustments


There were 6 people in the bible said to be over 900 years. This patriarch was mentioned in Judaism, Christianity and Islam and died in the year of the flood when Noah was 600 years old.

Who is Methuselah


This African music (and dance) is one of the most influential music genres that has gained global recognition.  It originates from Congo-Kinshasa and Congo-Brazzaville. In December 2021, it was added to the UNESCO list of intangible cultural heritage.

What is Congolese Rumba