This is the name of the CMake file that contains the build instructions for a programm.
What is CMakeLists.txt?
This class template introduced in C++17 may or may not hold a value.
What is `std::optional`?
This architecture, pioneered by Intel, has its roots in the 8086 processor released in 1978. It's prevalent in PCs and servers.
What is x86.
eCAL is the abbreviation for this.
What is enhanced communication abstraction layer?
This Python keyword is used to define a function.
What is `def`?
A new programm is created with this CMake command.
What is `add_executable`?
This smart pointer type was deprecated in C++11 and removed with C++17.
What is `std::auto_ptr`?
This architecture is a type of RISC architecture widely used in mobile devices due to its power efficiency.
What is arm?
This is the default communication layer used for intra-host communication.
What is SHM (Shared Memory)?
In Python, these are functions that modify the functionality of other functions.
def my_function():
What are decorators?
These are the two steps that CMake performs when its run.
What are "configure" and "generate"?
You can use this new C++17 attribute to indicate that the a function return value shall be used.
What is `[[nodiscard]]`?
This architecture initially focused on rendering graphics but evolved to handle parallel computations efficiently.
What is GPU?
eCAL was open Sourced in this year.
What is 2019?
In Python, this feature allows you to create iterators using functions that utilize the "yield" statement, providing a sequence of values lazily and efficiently.
What are generators?
CMakes ability to place build files and compiler outputs into a different directory than the source files is also called this.
What is "out of source build"?
With this new C++17 language feature you can now write
std::pair p(2, 4.5);
// instead of std::pair<int, double> p(2, 4.5);
What is class template argument deduction?
This architecture is gaining attention due to its open nature, allowing anyone to design and manufacture processors based on this architecture.
What is RISC-V?
This eCAL command line programm shows how to send protobuf data.
What is ecal_sample_person_snd?
In Python, this programming concept allows objects to be evaluated based on their behavior rather than their explicit type.
What is duck typing?
These are the three visibilities that properties on targets can have.
This new C++17 feature
template<typename... Args>
bool all(Args... args) { return (... && args); }
is referred to by the following name.
What are fold expressions?
It was widely used in early gaming consoles like the Nintendo 64 and Sony PlayStation due to its graphics and processing capabilities.
MIPS Architecture
This was the last eCAL minor Release before eCAL 5.0 was released.
What is eCAL 4.9?
In Python, this acronym represents a mechanism that limits the execution of Python bytecode by preventing multiple native threads from simultaneously executing Python code.
What is the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock)?