The department of a college or university that handles incoming students and sends out acceptance letters.
These tests are usually required for college admissions.
This item has your work experience, skills, education and personal information and is submitted for employment.
What is a resume?
Southern University
Graphic Design falls under this career cluster.
Arts, A/V Technology & Communication
This career cluster prepares individuals for jobs in careers related to families and human needs?
Human Services
A student who wants to be a doctor or dentist might choose this as a major.
Biology, chemistry, pre-med studies, biochemistry, physics, physics, psychology, health studies.
This is often submitted with a resume when applying for a job.
Cover letter
This is your primary field of study in college.
This is often sent to employers AFTER an interview.
Thank you card or email.
art, art history, English, foreign languages, theater, dance, music etc.
Paying for college by using student loans and grants is considered what:
Financial aid
This type of financial aid does NOT have to be paid back.
Grants and scholarships.
A 3.0 is equivalent to what grade.
These majors (Marketing, Management, Finance and Economics) belong in the college of ___________
The buildings that college students who live on campus in are called:
Choosing a secondary course of study that includes a few classes in a particular area is called a:
This document includes all of your high school grades and is sent to your prospective college or university.
The name of this course is called:
Digital Communication
HBCU stands for
Historically Black Colleges & Universities
Working for a company during college, usually in the summer is called a:
Teachers in college are called:
When you graduate from high school, you receive a: