Feldman Family History
Gallatin Family History
Nomi's interests
Nomi the Working Girl

The country which Nomi wrongly thought her family was from

What is Germany?


Nomi and Irv lived in these three CT towns.

What are Greenwich, Norwalk, and Westport?


The age Nomi met Irving.

What is 30?


The name of the hairdresser in the barber of seville.

Who is Figaro?


One of the early amounts nomi earned as a working person

what is 8$/week?


Nomi's grandfather traveled from Eastern Europe by boat and landed in Baltimore, where he went to work doing this job.

What is a peddler?

All of Nomi's children, ordered by age.

Who are Michelle, Lisa, Michael, Bonnie, and Tom?


Nomi's favorite Jane Austen novel.

What is Pride & Prejudice?


Paired with a dance partner, Nomi excelled at this sport in her 20's.

What is roller skating?


During the 1940's, Nomi was a member of this union.

What is Office and Professional Workers of America Local 1?


Nomi's sister Lee secretly "borrowed" this item in order to enlist in the Navy during WWII.

What is Nomi’s birth certificate?


Every Sunday morning, the Gallatin family would pick-up bagels and lox at this local deli.

What is Oscar’s?


The name of the boat Nomi met Irving on.

what was the Saturnia?


Nomi’s favorite scene in the Kiera Knightly “Pride and Prejudice”

What is when Mr Darcy flexes his hand after shaking Elizabeth Benne’s hand?


Although she never had the chance to graduate, Nomi attended this college at night after a day at work.

What is Hunter College?


This dry goods store was established by Nomi's grandfather, Jacob, and run by her father until the Depression shut them down.

What is J. Feldman and Sons?


The camping spot that the Gallatins stayed at in Wyoming until they almost ran out of food, because Irving did not want to drive out the scary road

What is Brooks Lake?


Nomi will sometimes replay this scene on youtube to watch her favorite kiss.

What is the end of the Pride and Prejudice movie with Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFadyen?


One of Nomi's favorite holiday dishes that some of us continue to make and love

What are candied sweet potatoes?


Grandma took a cooking class from this now famous person to learn to cook for her husband.

Who is Martha Stewart?


What Nomi's mom made in the New York factory

What are baby bonnets?


The name of a mini, 1 or 2 person ferris wheel bought in South Dakota on the camping trip, shipped home, and was kept in the side yard to play on.

What is the Doozy Wheel?


Before Jonas Kaufman took his place, this dashing celebrity was Nomi's heart throb.

Who is Errol Flynn?


Nomi saw an opera translated into Russian from this language, causing Irv to walk out in the middle of the show.

What is Italian?


Nomi was offered a job as a secretary by the father of a student she tutored under this one condition.

What is that she finished her high school degree at night?