
How did God respond to the Fall?

Divine grace


_____ Covenant: made with Israel, giving them the mission to reach the world. Jesus fulfills this covenant as the son of God, the true Israel, the true tabernacle, and the ultimate sacrifice for sin.



2 categories of sin were of most concern to the prophets:

  • idolatry and injustice.


________ is the process of devising the best methods for understanding and interpreting Scripture.



_____ refers to the proper interpretation of a passage of Scripture based on careful study and analysis



_____ Covenant: made with Noah in Genesis 9. The sign of the covenant was the rainbow. Jesus fulfills this covenant by ushering in the new creation.



______ Covenant: made with Adam to establish an environment of shalom (peace) with those made in God’s image. Jesus is the ultimate image of God and the seed of the man who ultimately crushes Satan. 


  • The book of Acts records how the church, the _____, was a community united by God’s Spirit and charged with proclaiming Christ’s kingdom to the world.



How can we ensure we’re reading the Bible in context? (3 tools)

  • One helpful tool in understanding both the content and context of scripture is a Bible commentary, a book written by a theologian to help people better understand scripture.

  • Other helpful study tools include a lexicon, which explains the words of scripture (translates them from another language), and a theological dictionary to develop a deeper understanding of words and their usage.


Most of the Bible is _______in nature. It tells of past events, explores the lives of our ancestors, and provides a record of God’s active plan on redemption. A



______ Covenant: made with Abraham to establish a new nation that would be a blessing to all other nations. Jesus fulfills this covenant in that all who are in him are the seed of Abraham. 



______ Covenant: made with a king, promising an eternal dynasty.  



When is it appropriate to ask, “What does the text mean to me”?

  • What does it say? (exegesis)

  • What does it mean? (hermeneutics)

  • What does it mean to me? (application)


3 Bible translations 

  • Formal Equivalence Translations: attempt to keep as close to the form of the Hebrew or Greek (KJV, NKJV, NASB, ESV)

  • Functional Equivalence Translations: attempt to keep the meaning of the Hebrew or Greek but to put their words and idioms into what would be the normal way of saying the same thing in English (NAB, NLT)

  • Free Translations : attempt to translate the ideas from one language to another, with less concern about using the exact words of the original. A free translation, sometimes also called a paraphrase, tries to eliminate as much of the historical distance as possible and still be faithful to the original text. (NEB, LB, MSG) 


_______ passage teaches us through inference and example, giving us a sense of where the people of God have been, so that we might discern our future more clearly. 

A _______ passage provides specific hallmarks of how we ought to live, how we ought to make decisions, and how we ought to think. Prescriptive passages reflect something of God’s nature and the created order, and this form commands to be obeyed or values to be adopted.

Descriptive; Prescriptive 

____ Covenant: made with Israel, promising a new heart and forgiveness for their sins. Jesus fulfills this covenant by providing these things, which all began in him.


Why did God raise up prophets in the Old Testament?

  • God raised prophets to call his people back to faithfulness to his law and their mission.


3 examples of prescriptive passages in the Bible

10 Commandments 

Sermon on the Mount 

Great Commission 


What are some distinctives of the Abrahamic covenant?

  • God made 5 promises to him and his descendants:

    • Relationship: God promised to protect Abraham and his descendants. 

    • Nationhood: God promised that Abraham’s descendants would become a great nation. 

    • Seed: God promised that Abraham’s descendants would be numerous as the stars. 

    • Land: God promised to escort Abraham to a land where he could settle down and prosper. 

Blessing to Others: God promised that Abraham’s descendants would be a blessing to all the families of the earth.


What is the “gospel”? 

1. what does the gospel mean 

2. what is the message of the gospel

1. The word “gospel” literally means “good news.” 

2. It is the good news of Jesus’s life and work. It is also the announcement that God’s kingdom is at hand to bring blessing to the nations


10 Mistakes People Make in Reading the Bible

  • We assume that the Bible doesn’t need to be ______

  • We assume that the Bible applies uniquely to us

  • We ignore passages that don’t fit our ______

  • We treat the Bible allegorically 

  • We feel that our study is fruitless if we have no discovered a _______

  • We focus on what the text “means to me”

  • We assume the Bible isn’t relevant to us today 

  • We take the Bible out of _____ 

  • We interpret the Bible based on contemporary ____ standards

  • We try to make the Bible fit contemporary standard for _____ correctness 

  • We assume that the Bible doesn’t need to be interpreted 

  • We assume that the Bible applies uniquely to us

  • We ignore passages that don’t fit out theology 

  • We treat the Bible allegorically 

  • We feel that our study is fruitless if we have no discovered a new truth 

  • We focus on what the text “means to me”

  • We assume the Bible isn’t relevant to us today 

  • We take the Bible out of context 

  • We interpret the Bible based on contemporary moral standards

  • We try to make the Bible fit contemporary standard for political correctness