What is I played in french
J'ai Joué
What is 11 in french
What is orange in french
What is t-shirt in french
un T-shirt
What is I read in French
J'ai lu
what is I ate in french
J'ai mangé
What is 3 in french
What is bleu in english
What is glasses in french
Des Lunettes
What are the colours of the rainbow (Order Matters if you don’t put it in order no point)
Rouge, Orange, Jaune, Vert, Bleu, Violet
what is I watched in french
J'ai regardé
What is 23 in french
Vingt trois
What is green in french
What is jeans in french
un jean
What is sweater in french
un pull
What is I bought in french
J'ai acheté
que est Cent a anglais
What is pink in french
What is gloves in french
des gants
What is fraise crème glacé in english
Strawberry Ice Cream
What is I went in french
Je suis allé(e)
What is 81 in french
Quatre vingt un
What is white in french
What is overalls in french
une salopette
Que est neuf+un+soixante+vingt-un+un