heavs favorite card game
what is rummy
My first place of employment
what is pizza hut
what is my favorite holiday
buckle clothing store
what is my favorite clothing store for jeans
sport i did before soccer
what is karate
how many face piercings does heaven have
what is three
How many siblings do i have
what year i was born
eric’s dream truck
what is 2023 f250 lariat. lariat is an extra 250 points
favorite movie series
what is the hunger games
what model car does heaven drive
what is maxima
my favorite color
what is purple
what color is my car
my favorite country music artist
what is kip moore
dream vacation
turks and caicos
heavens favorite drink (non alcoholic or alcoholic)
sprite/white claw
what year did i graduate highschool
what is year 2006
what is the name of my first horse
the oldest nascar race i remember
what is the race dale ernhart died in
favorite soccer player
what side collar bone has heaven broken (3 times)
what is right
the name of my first dog
what is BOYS
6 almost 7
how many grandkids do i have
120 sq ft
what is the amount of wall tile needed for kloee’s shower
favorite fast food
what is wingstop