This popular alcoholic drink is often used to ring in the new year
Sparkling Grape / Apple Juice
Get your animals lined up because 2024 is set to bring this natural disaster
This cultural phenomenon kicked-off from the simultaneous theatrical release of two films
This object dropped faster than the Hindenburg once America's top naval pilots were notified
Chinese spy balloon
The Chinese New Year is more traditionally called this
Lunar New Year / Spring Festival
This red giant is predicted to kickstart its naval conquests in 2024
This thing is on your man's mind at least daily
Roman Empire
This makeup mogul and actor have become Hollywood's new "it" couple thanks to their "very special" connection
Kylie Jenner and Timothée Chalamet
In the ancient past, loud noises at New Year’s celebrations were said to ward off these
Demons and evil spirits
This old chap is set to have a tumultuous year with his royal family
King Charles III
This is a popular way for many to eat
Girl dinner
This "friend" will be forever remembered as not celebrating Thanksgiving
Mathew Perry
2024's Chinese New Year animal is this
The Dragon
These guards protect the pope and are among the greatest "hand-to-hand" combat fighters in the world
Swiss Guard
This mascot's 52nd birthday triggered a wave of 30 second TikTok horror films
This figure is usually not in the news for asking children to "suck his tongue"
Dalai Lama
This Kween was proclaimed to be the Empress of India on January 1, 1877
Queen Victoria
This Italian Volcano is set for a Vesuvius like eruption in 2024
Mount Etna
This big stinker went from King of Queens to King of "who put that song on..."
Kevin James
This submarine, set out for the Titanic, kept its audience captivated for days