Boundaries & Consent
Decision Making & Consequences
Our Brain
Growth vs Fixed Mindset
Fun HVM Facts

What does it mean to give consent?

Consent means to give permission!

True or False:

The decisions you make ONLY impact you?

False: Your decisions impact those around you


Finish this sentence:

Our brain is an ___________?


True or False:

Growth and Fixed Mindsets are the same thing!


Growth Mindset is very different than having a Fixed Mindset!


True or False

Our school was always at this location

False! HVM started off at a different location in Haverhill


What does it mean to set healthy boundaries?

Setting Healthy Boundaries means that you set some guidelines around things that you are comfortable with.

Ex: Saying NO when someone is trying to get you to do something you don't want to do

Saying: Please give me my space

Please ask me for a hug, don't assume that I am ok with you just randomly hugging me


True or False:

Consequences are ALWAYS negative


Good Choices/decisions = Good/Positive Consequences

Poor Choices/Decisions = Poor/negative consequences


How do our brains grow?

Our brains grow every time we try something new!


Why is it important to have a positive growth mindset?

It is important to have a growth mindset so you can continue to grow and learn.

Having a growth mindset can help increase your confidence and self-esteem!


True or False

Our school was once a manufacturing site for Payphones

TRUE!! This building that we now call school used to make Payphones!!

Boundary or Consent:

"I didn't like how you spoke to me the other day. I understand you are mad but please do not disrespect me like that again."

Boundary! Setting the expectation of what you will tolerate and not tolerate.

No one should tolerate disrespectful behaviors even if someone is having a bad day!


What does it mean to:




STOP- Stop, take a breath (don't react right away)

THINK- What am I upset about? What just happened that made me feel this way? What are my choices and the consequence's of those choices

GO- Make the BEST choice that will help resolve my problem


What are the connections called inside our brains? What happens if we don't practice new skills?

We have billions of neurons that form PATHWAYS every time we learn something new. 

If we don't practice our skills frequently, those pathways start to weaken


Growth or Fixed & Explain why?

I KNOW that I am going to be a great soccer player when I get older because everyone in my family is super athletic. I don't even have to try!

Fixed! Just because others are great at something, doesn't mean that you will be IF you don't practice!


True or False

HVM is the ONLY Montessori Charter Public School in Massachusetts

TRUE!!! HVM is one of a kind!!

Boundary or Consent:

"You scared me when you came up from behind and gave me a hug. Next time, please ask me for a hug instead of assuming I was ok with it?"

Consent! NEVER assume someone is OK with you getting into someone's personal space or touching someone without their consent/permission!


Give an example of a friend making a positive choice and receiving a positive consequence.

Give an example of a friend making a negative choice and receiving a negative consequence.

Student example will vary


What is the fancy, scientific word that explains our brains capacity to grow?



True or False and why?

You can't have a fixed and a growth mindset at the same time.


You may have an assignment that is really hard for you so you may start off feeling like you "CAN'T" do this (Fixed) but then you ask for help or take a deep breath and tell yourself "I've got this!" (positive self-talk = Growth Mindset)


How many years has HVM been a school?

2003 Charter was granted

2004 School opened

HVM is 20 Years Old!


What are some possible consequences when you do not respect someone's personal boundaries and/or ignore consent?

Possible Consequences: 

Lose friendship/relationship

get into legal trouble

Lose people's trust and respect


What decision would you make in this situation and what would be the consequence.

You made plans with your friend to go to the Rockingham Mall Saturday morning. That morning, you get a text from another friend inviting you over to go swimming. You LOVE to swim!

Student answers will vary


What are the 3 major parts of our brains that we covered in class this year!

Bonus 100 points if you can explain what each part is responsible for!

Amygdala= Controls/ regulates our emotions

Prefrontal Cortex= decision making part of our brain

Hippocampus= stores memory


What are the difference between receiving:


FEEDBACK= typically positive suggestions on ways you can improve and get better at something

CRITICISM= typically negative and makes you feel bad about yourself


How do students get accepted into HVM? 

Do families have to pay to have kids here at HVM?

Students are put on a lottery system. Every family has a number and when openings are available, the next family in line get's a call!

No, HVM is a tuition FREE school!

HVM is a school of choice!