We charted our reading memories by creating a
mind map
When you are clumsy
A bull in a china shop
New speaker gets new
providing support for claims and beliefs
The names of the 2 T2 tankers that split in half
Pendleton and Fort Mercer
After our book club reading we completed a
When you overreact
Make a mountain out of a molehill
A struggle between two opposing forces
What is conflict
clearly stated
The name of the character in the first chapter
Bernie Webber
The road map for our 8th grade learning is called
a syllabus
When you need to be responsible for your own actions
You made your bed, now lie in it
Characters who are vital to the development and resolution of the conflict.
Major characters
combine different things into one whole
The date this event occured
Feb 18, 1952
To read a sample of different book titles we had a
book tasting or reading cafe
When there is something obviously awkward but no one wants to say anything
The elephant in the room
HOTQ stands for
Higher-order thinking questions
become less intense
The authors of The Finest Hours
Michael Tougias and Casey Sherman
The digital survey we used with a scantron is called
When you do things in incorrect order
Put the cart before the horse
S.T.E.A.L. for characterization stands for
speech, thought, effect on others, action, looks
excessive pride
Why was the area of Chatham Bar so dangerous
Shifting sand bars