Pamphlets (IPs)

 Complete this quote:

Step ____ is the test of our newfound humility.

Step EIGHT is the test of our newfound humility.

Basic Text pg 37


Fill in the Blanks = Which Tradition is this?

Our ___ ___ should come first ___ ___ depends on NA unity.

Our COMMON WELFARE should come first PERSONAL RECOVERY depends on NA unity.

IWHW pg 93


Fill in the blanks - Which reading is this?

Understanding these ___ comes ___ over a period of time.

The Twelve Traditions of Narcotics Anonymous

Understanding these TRADITIONS comes SLOWLY over a period of time.

Basic Text pg 61


Which Concept is to "Fulfill our fellowship's primary purpose?

First Concept


What is the name of this Pamphlet and what is the IP number (#)?

It is not surprising that carrying the NA message of recovery into hospitals and institutions is one of our priorities.

H&I and the NA Member - IP#20


True or False - What Step is this?

We came to believe that our sponsor could restore us to sanity.


We came to believe that A POWER GREATER THAN OURSELVES could restore us to sanity.

Step Two - Basic Text pg 23


Fill in the blank:

The ___ Tradition helps NA offer recovery to so many addicts by freeing us from having to make judgments about prospective members.

The THIRD Tradition helps NA offer recovery to so many addicts by freeing us from having to make judgments about prospective members.

IWHW pg 108


True or False - Which Reading is this?

Our disease never resurfaced or continues to progress until in desperations, we sought help from each other in Narcotics Anonymous.

FALSE- Why Are We Here?

Our disease ALWAYS resurfaced or continued to progress until in desperations, we sought help from each other in Narcotics Anonymous.

Basic Text pg 13


According to which Concept do the "NA groups delegate to the service structure... authority necessary...

Third Concept


What is the name of this Pamphlet and what is the IP number (#)?

People, places, and thigs cannot possibly fill the emptiness inside of us and we react to them with resentment, anger, and fear.

Triangle of Self-Acceptance IP #9


Which step tells us:

We no longer need to be afraid.

Step Four - Basic Text pg 27


According to the Applying spiritual principles section - 

What Step does Tradition Five complement? Why?

The Fifth Tradition complements the Twelfth Step; It ask groups to carry the message to addicts.

IWHW pg 122


What is the 2nd Sentence in Who Is an Addict reading?

We Know!

pg 3 Basic Text


TRUE or FALSE - Which Concept is this?

For each responsibility assigned to the service structure, a single point of decision and accountability should have questions to ask.

FALSE - Fifth Concept

For each responsibility assigned to the service structure, a single point of decision and accountability should BE CLEARLY DEFINED.


What is the name of this Pamphlet and what is the IP number (#)?

Sometimes we finally gather our courage only to have someone say no - if that happens, we need to be presentient have faith and ty not to take his or her decision personally.

Sponsorship IP #11


Fill in the blanks - What Step is this?

We do recover to live ___ and ___ lives.

We do recover to live CLEAN and HAPPY lives.

Step Twelve - Basic Text pg 53


Which Tradition is this?

In the end, our individual decisions and group commitments are entirely up to us because we are the ones who have to live with them.

Tradition Seven

IWHW pg 135


Fill in the blanks - What Reading is this?

Anyone may join us, regardless of ___, ___, ___ ___, ___, ____ or lack of ___.

Anyone may join us, regardless of AGE, RACE, SEXUAL IDENTITY, CREED, RELIGION, or lack of RELIGION.

What is the Narcotics Anonymous Program? pg 8


TRUE or FALSE - Which Concept is this?

One member of a service body bears substantial responsibility for that body's decisions and should be allowed to fully participate in its decision-making process.

FALSE - Seventh Concept

ALL MEMBERS of a service body bear substantial responsibility for that body's decisions and should be allowed to fully participate in its decision-making process.


TRUE or FALSE - What is the name of this Pamphlet and what is the IP number (#)?

When we focus our thoughts on today the nightmare of drugs fades away, overshadowed by the dawn of a new reality.

TRUE - Just for Today IP #8


In Step One, the Basic Text list eleven results of our disease. Name Four.

Denial, substitution, rationalization, justification, distrust of others, guilt, embarrassment, dereliction, degradation, isolation, and loss of control are all results of our disease.

Basic Text pg 20


True or False - Which Tradition is this?

Members with extensive clean time play a part in our public relations, whether or not they're involved in public information work.

FALSE - Tradition Eleven

ALL OUR MEMBERS play a part in our public relations, whether or not they're involved in public information work. IWHW pg 153


TRUE or FALSE - Which Reading is this?

Those who are addicted today are less fortunate.


Those who are addicted today are MORE fortunate.

We Do Recover pg 87


Fill in the blanks - Which Concept is this?

In keeping with the spiritual nature of Narcotics Anonymous, our ___ should always be one of ___ , never of ___.

In keeping with the spiritual nature of Narcotics Anonymous, our STRUCTURE should always be one of SERVICE never of GOVERNMENT.

Twelfth Concept


Another Look pamphlet has four sections - the first is Addiction is not freedom. 

Name the other three sections.

1. Addiction is not freedom; 2. Addiction is not personal growth; 3. Addiction is not goodwill; 4. Addiction is not a way of life

Another Look IP #5