By The Numbers
Princeton University
Women's History
Professional Organizations
Women in Construction

This is the height of the tallest tower crane on site. (Price is Right Rules)

187' - TC4


This is the cost of tuition ONLY for Princeton University based on the year 2024-2025. (Source: Princeton University website)

What is $62,400/year?


This was the first women's sport played in the Olympic games. 

What is tennis? 1900

1st year female participants in all Olympics sports = 2012


What does PWC stand for?

What is Professional Women in Construction?


What percentage of Women make up the Construction Industry in the US?

What is 10.8%?


This is the number of days it took to move the two houses.

What is 7 days? (5 for 91 Prospect and 2 for 110 Prospect)


This First Lady was a Princeton University Graduate.

Who is Michelle Obama? 


This was the first woman in space.

Who is Sally Ride? 1983. Geraldyn Cobb passed astronaut testing 1961 & was denied due to gender.


This organization's mission is to: "Empower women to achieve their full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering and technology professions..."

What is SWE?


Which state has the highest percentage of women in the construction industry? Lowest %?

What is D.C. (17.6%)? What is Delaware (6.8%)? NJ = 10.7% (Avg = 10.9%)


This is the number of colleges/schools that make up Princeton University.

What is 5?

Undergraduate College, School of Architecture, School of Engineering & Applied Science, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Graduate School


What was the 1st women's intercollegiate varsity sport offered at Princeton?

What is field hockey, tennis, squash, & crew - 1971


This is the first women to win the Nobel Prize and only women who has won it twice!

Who is Marie Curie. Physics 1903 & Chemistry 1911. Discovered 2 new elements & researched the atom


What year was NAWIC founded?

What is 19


What war had the largest impact on women in construction?

What is World War II. between 1940-1945 the female workforce grew by 50%, after the war up to 85% of women wanted to keep their jobs paving the way for women in the labor force.


What percentage of Princeton's undergraduates are women?

What is 51%?


What year was the first female President of Princeton appointed?

What is 2001? 


The year the first woman ran a marathon.

What is 1966. Bobbi Gibb, rejected from Boston Marathon & snuck in! 3 hours 21 minutes


What is this year's WIC Week Theme?

What is Keys to the Future? Celebrates strength & knowledge of women and the vital role they play in shaping the future of the construction industry,


This Bridge's construction was supervised by engineer Emily Warren Roebling after her husband died.

What is the Brooklyn Bridge? Contributed over 10 years, husband was chief engineer. 1st documented woman in construction!


The rate that women in construction has grown since 2010. The projection it will grow between 2021-2031.

What is 2%? What is 4%?


What year did Princeton vote "yes" to admit women undergraduates?

What is 1969?


This singer has the most Grammy Awards in History.

Who is Beyonce? 32


The state that NAWIC originated.

What is Fort Worth, Texas? 16 women working in construction founded in 1953. (National Charter 1955)


This tool was invented by a women.

What is the circular saw? Sarah "Tabitha" Babbit