If we have an answer to a question or would like to ask a question we need to do this?
True or False?
If I need the bathroom, I should take out my computer and fill out a Smartpass before I tell the teacher?
Always ask first.
What should I do if someone says something unkind to me?
A pen and a notebook (binder)
The teacher
If I need the bathroom, what pass do I take?
The parking cone.
What should I do if someone hits me, pushes me, or puts their hands on me for any reason.
Tell the teacher! Do NOT retaliate.
Can I hand in an assignment that was completed in red ink?
My desk should be facing which side of the room?
The front
One of my 5 emergency passes.
True or False?
I should think before I speak?
Who should I ask if I want to get water or a tissue?
The teacher
If there are two parking cones outside the bathroom, am I allowed to enter the bathroom?
NO. I must wait until someone exits, otherwise I will receive a PAWS step.
True or false?
My words can hurt another person?
What should I do if there is an extra supply on the floor (a pencil, a pen, a book, or a crayon).
Pick it up.