Quality Plan

What does KPI stands for?

Key Performance Indicator


How can the team demonstrate if the Strategic, Quality and Safety Plan is working?

Monitoring and measuring through KPIs/Indicators:

- Percentage/Number of Falls in a year

- Number of hospitalizations due preventable incidents during care

- Percentage/Number of medication incidents


What does PDCA stand for? 

P - Plan

D - Do

C - Check

A - Act

(PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) )


Do you think the following goal is SMART?

"Increase sales"

If not, why? How to make it SMART?

No. It is not specific.

"Achieve a 15% increase in monthly sales by the end of the fiscal year."


Why KPIs are used in health care services?

To evaluate the success of the service or a particular activity.


How often BrossCare team discuss the results/data related to Quality Improvement Plan, Safety Plan and Strategic Plan?

Once a month, during Quality and Safety Team Meeting


How often the team need to review The Quality Improvement Plan?

Annually and according to the needs. 


Do you think "Enhance patient satisfaction" is a SMART goal? 

If not, why?

"Increase patient satisfaction scores by 15% over the next year through targeted improvements in communication and service quality."


Name two KPIs related to CareRecipient satisfaction.

•Survey Results: Measure CareRecipient satisfaction through regular surveys to gather feedback on the quality of care and services provided. 

• CareRecipient Retention Rate: Track the percentage of CareRecipient who continue to use the BrossCare's services over time.


What does the acronym SMART means in the context of goal-settings?

S - Specific

M - Measurable

A - Achievable

R - Relevant

T - Time-bounded


What would be the most effective approach to initiate the development of a Quality Improvement Plan for the upcoming year?

Analyzing what it needs to be improved. 

Review results of indicators.

Review process.

Listen clients, employers, other stakeholders.

Benchmarking - Analyze best practices from other facilities.  



Is this goal SMART?

 "Enhance staff training"

If not, how to make it SMART?

"Conduct monthly training sessions to improve nursing staff's adherence to infection control protocols, aiming for a 15% reduction in hospital-acquired infections over the next year."


Which KPIs do you consider good for monitoring caregiver performance?

•Caregiver Retention Rate: Monitor the percentage of caregivers who continue to work with the BrossCare over a specific period.

• Training Compliance: Ensure that caregivers are up-to-date with required training and certifications.


How do the indicators "Number of CareRecipients Satisfied with the service" and "Percentage of CareRecipients Satisfied with the service" differ from each other?

Different of the percentage, we cannot know right away if the number is good or not. 

- For example, 5 satisfied clients probably it will be good if you have just 6 clients. 

- 5 satisfied clients probably it will be bad if you have 100 clients. 


What the team must to do if the Quality/Safety Plan is not working?

Gather designated team

Analyze results/data

Investigate non-conformities and root cause

Change strategy 


What do you think is wrong with this goal?

- Have 100% of employer satisfaction in 100% by the end of 2024. 

Not Achievable. 


What key performance indicator (KPI) do you recommend for evaluating the training program's effectiveness?

- Quizzes Result Rate - Percentage of participants who achieve 80% or more. 

- Percentage of participation in the training program.


How can you effectively assess the success of your initiative to enhance Work/Life Balance for Care Aides, and what key performance indicators (KPIs) would you choose to evaluate the effectiveness of your strategy?

- Satisfaction of CareAides (Dedicate a specific questions related to work/life balance)

- Absenteeism rate (can indicate low motivation/burnout)

- Turnover rates

- Overtime hours

- Schedule Adherence

- Others


The team identified a lack of participation of carerecipients and family members in the care and in  improving services. Share a specific plan idea and suggest ways to track progress using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Have short monthly meetings with carerecipient and family members to get feedbacks and inform them about relevant news regarding the services (newsletter, new procedure, changes, others).

Number of feedbacks received

Number of meetings 

"Percentage of Satisfaction with the statement: 'I feel actively involved in my care, and my voice is acknowledged.'"


Do you think this is a SMART indicator? Why?

- Have zero shift delay.

Not Achievable.

Not time-bounded.