In some cultures, people enjoy putting french fries in this sweet treat. What is it?
What is a milkshake?
In leetspeak, "1337" stands for something. What is it?
What is "Leet," an alternative alphabet used primarily on the internet?
What do you call a country with a sense of humor?
What is Japun.
This green anthropomorphic frog became a widely used meme, with various expressions. What is the name of this frog?
Pepe the Frog
The Lion King
In certain regions, people enjoy putting this unusual ingredient in their coffee. What is it?
What is butter?
Decode this famous emoticon: ":) -_- :/"
What is "Happy, Unimpressed, Sad"?
How do you organize a space party?
You planet!
This phrase is associated with a popular meme featuring cats and funny captions. What website is known for these cat memes?
"I Can Has Cheezburger?"
Board Game
This odd ice cream flavor combines sweet and savory by incorporating bits of this meat. What is it?
What is bacon ice cream?
Translate the following internet slang: "FOMO."
What is "Fear of Missing Out"?
What did the Atlantic Ocean say to the United States?
Nothing, it just waved.
This phrase, often used in meme culture, mocks someone's physical strength or lack thereof. What popular online forum is it associated with?
"Do You Even Lift?"
Video Game
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
A famous sandwich involves bacon, lettuce, and this surprising addition. What is it?
What is a peanut butter and bacon sandwich?
Unscramble this phrase: "gtiha si nonyian"
What is "That is annoying"?
What do you call a mountain that's always sending out postcards?
Mount Ever-rest.
This meme features a dog sitting in a room on fire, expressing a sense of acceptance. What is the phrase commonly associated with this meme?
"This Is Fine"
Board game
Some adventurous eaters enjoy dipping their pizza in this unexpected condiment. What is it?
What is ranch dressing?
Unscramble this internet phrase: "Aroanttica ow ot ngAo"
What is "Wanna go to Antarctica"?
What's a geologist's favorite type of music?
Rock and roll.
This meme originated from the tragic shooting of a gorilla at the Cincinnati Zoo. What was the gorilla's name?