Real-World Examples
Practice Passages

An __________ is the reason that the author chose to write the passage

Answer options:

persuasion, entertainment, author's purpose, informing, author's perspective

 author’s purpose


An author’s purpose for these types of texts would be to ___________: Nonfiction stories, documentaries, news articles, and recipes

Answer options: persuade, inform, entertain



Last weekend Kyle and Cason, his cousin, were camping by a small pond near Kyle's house. They had been fishing all morning without getting a single bite. Suddenly, there was a nibble on the end of Kyle's fishing line, and the float went completely out of sight. Kyle stood up in the small boat and leaned over the edge of the boat to try to see the big fish on the line. Just then there was a hard yank on the line that jerked Kyle forward. He fell overboard and landed head-first in the water. Later, Kyle and Cason laughed and laughed about the little fish that was big enough to pull him out of the boat. 


What is the author’s purpose in writing the article? 

A. To entertain the reader with stories about fish that talk.

B. To persuade the reader to not stand up in a fishing boat.

C. To entertain the reader with stories about two friends fishing.

D. To inform the reader about the problems with fishing.

C. To entertain the reader with stories about two friends fishing.


There are many benefits to owning a pickup truck. Today's pickup trucks have extended cabs. This allows for ample storage,  more passenger capacity, and a more comfortable ride. The large beds of pickup trucks are able to transport a variety of materials such as sheets of plywood, furniture, and mulch. Pickup trucks are also safer. They are built tougher and are able to handle challenging terrain. Their sturdy design and larger size makes them more likely to survive an accident too. Pickup trucks can also tow heavy items such as boats and excavators. The power that comes with a pickup truck is sure to please any driver. 

What would the author think about someone who bought a pickup truck? 

A. The author would think that the person shouldn't have gotten a truck. 

B. The author would think that person made the right choice of vehicle.

C. The author would think that person was afraid to drive a car. 

D. The author would think that person doesn't care about transporting items. 

B. The author would think that person made the right choice of vehicle.


When the author is trying to change your mind on a topic, make you believe something that you didn’t before, or have you do/buy something, this is called _____________. 

Answer options: entertainment, persuasion, author's purpose, informing, author's perspective



An author’s purpose for these types of texts would be to ___________: commercials and advertisements

Answer options: persuade, inform, entertain



Florida businesses will lose more money from crime this year than they'll spend on water, gas, and electricity. This is according to a study released Tuesday. From shoplifting to employee theft, crime is expected to cost Florida businesses $27.4 billion. The cost is twice that of residential crime, according to the report issued by the Attorney General and law enforcement.

What is the author’s purpose in writing the article? 

A. To persuade the reader to buy a security system. 

B. To entertain the reader with stories. 

C. To inform the reader about how to steal from businesses. 

D. To inform the reader about the effects of stealing.

D. To inform the reader about the effects of stealing.


Moose are the largest of the deer species. Adults can be about 7 feet tall and their weight averages close to 1,000 pounds. Males have antlers that can be over 6 feet wide. Despite their size and weight, moose are surprisingly athletic. They are good swimmers that can swim for several miles and stay underwater for around 30 seconds. They move swiftly on land too, running at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour. Moose are able to trot steadily at 20 miles per hour, which is faster than average humans can run. Their speed, stamina, and skill make them impressive creatures.

What is the author's perspective about moose? 

A. The author thinks moose are aggressive creatures. 

B. The author thinks moose are an endangered species. 

C. The author thinks moose are athletic.

D. The author thinks moose are more fit than humans. 

C. The author thinks moose are athletic.


When the author is trying to give you facts about a topic or event, teach you how to do something, or teach you about a specific topic, this is called _____________. 

Answer options: entertainment, persuasion, author's purpose, informing, author's perspective



An author’s purpose for these types of texts would be to ___________: biography and autobiography

Answer options: persuade, inform, entertain



It's New! It's Cool and Refreshing! It's the Super Duper Watermelon Milk Shake! This is the best milkshake ever made on this earth! It tastes just like watermelon. It's so sweet that if you drink it, it will make you extremely smart in school! Try one today!

What is the author’s purpose in writing the article? 

A. To inform the reader about reasons why you should drink milkshakes

B. To entertain the reader about milkshakes.

C. To persuade the reader to buy and drink a Super Duper Watermelon milkshake.

D. To inform the reader of all of the flavors available for milkshakes.

C. To persuade the reader to buy and drink a Super Duper Watermelon milkshake.


Ireland is a traveler’s paradise. Visitors can enjoy gorgeous natural landscapes such as the Cliffs of Moher and the Dark Hedges. Cities such as Dublin, Galway, and Cork offer guests many choices for museums, music, dancing, and food. Hiking, cycling, and even surfing are all activities that can be done on an adventure to Ireland. Booklovers will enjoy visiting Belfast where C.S. Lewis, author of the Chronicles of Narnia series, was born. Best of all, there are over 300 castles visitors can stay at while in this beautiful country.

With which statement would the author likely agree?

A. Ireland is not for every traveler.

B. Ireland is a wonderful place to take a vacation.

C. Ireland might be too challenging for some guests.

D. Ireland is a good choice for people who like tropical vacations.

B. Ireland is a wonderful place to take a vacation.


When the author is trying to have you enjoy what you are reading or tells you a story that keeps you curious and engaged in the plot is called _____________.

Answer options: entertainment, persuasion, author's purpose, informing, author's perspective



An author’s purpose for these types of texts would be to ___________: fiction, fantasy, comics, graphic novel

Answer options: persuade, inform, entertain



Halloween is the best holiday of the year! Everyone should go out and get a costume. If you can’t find one to buy, make one. Halloween is better than the other holidays because you get to trick-or-treat with your friends. It’s also fun to watch scary movies or even family-friendly ones year after year. One thing I always do at Halloween time is carve pumpkins. This is why Halloween is superior to any other holiday.

What is the author’s purpose in writing the article? 

A. To inform the reader about must-do Halloween activities

B. To persuade the reader to like Halloween over other holidays.

C. To entertain the reader about Halloween traditions.

D. To inform the reader that if they don’t like Halloween, they are wrong.

B. To persuade the reader to like Halloween over other holidays.


Abraham Lincoln was one of the best presidents in American history. He displayed all the characteristics of a phenomenal leader. He instantly gained control of a room, making people pay attention to him. Lincoln was gifted at delivering moving speeches. His negotiation skills were marked by respect and fairness. He persevered during challenging situations. Most importantly, Abraham Lincoln held the United States together when differing beliefs threatened to destroy democracy and split the country in two. Without Lincoln's determination and dedication, America might be a very different place today. 

What is the author's perspective on Abraham Lincoln? 

A. The author thinks Abraham Lincoln was an excellent president.

B.The author thinks Abraham Lincoln needed more help. 

C. The other things Abraham Lincoln could have done more for America. 

D. The other thing is Abraham Lincoln isn't important to history. 

A. The author thinks Abraham Lincoln was an excellent president.


A(n) ___________________ is how the author feels about a topic. These are their opinions, attitudes, and beliefs. You might notice this based on the author’s word choice. 

Answer options: entertainment, persuasion, author's purpose, informing, author's perspective

author’s perspective


An author’s purpose for these types of texts would be to ___________: billboards and debates/arguments

Answer options: persuade, inform, entertain



The bobcat, Felis rufus, is found only in North America and is the most common wildcat found here.  It is twice as large as a house cat with yellowish­-brown fur and black markings, a white belly, and pointed ears. Its name comes from its "bobbed" or stubby tail that is about 5-7 inches long. The bobcat's average weight is 1,5­35 pounds, and the male is larger than the female. It waits in trees to pounce on its prey, which includes rodents, rabbits, squirrels, and birds. The bobcat lives in swamps, forests, farmland, and brushy areas.

What is the author’s purpose in writing the article? 

A. To inform the reader about the Felis rufus bobcat.

B. To entertain the reader about cats.

C. To persuade the reader to buy a bobcat.

D. To entertain the reader with a story about cats in the wild.

A. To inform the reader about the Felis rufus bobcat.


Flossing should be included in your daily dental maintenance routine. The CDC reports that 1 in 4 people between the ages of 2-64 have at least one cavity. Nearly half of all U.S. adults ages 30 and over have some form of gum disease. Flossing removes food particles and plaque along the gum line in between the teeth. It also helps to clean away bacteria that can cause bad breath. The risk of cavities can be reduced with flossing as well. Regular flossing can prevent gum irritation and gingivitis. Floss at least once per day, before bedtime ideally, to enjoy better dental health.

With which statement would the author likely agree? 

A. Brushing alone is not enough to properly care for your teeth. 

B. Brushing is enough to properly care for your teeth. 

C. Flossing is better than brushing your teeth. 

D. Flossing is a necessary step in dental care. 

D. Flossing is a necessary step in dental care.