Mental Health

An elevated blood pressure is called

What is hypertension


How many lungs are their in the human body

What is 2


A condition that causes burning, urgency, frequency with urination and/or a fever or confusion. 

What is a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)


Which patients are more likely to sustain a hip fracture

1) Elderly patients

2) Patients with osteoporosis

3) Patients who have balance issues

4) All of the above

4) What is All of the above


Poor Mental Health increases the risk for chronic physical conditions 1) Heart Disease 2) Stroke 3) Cancer 4) All the above

All the above


Blood clots that form and travel to the brain are called

What is a stroke or a CVA (Cerebrovascular accident)


What is the condition that causes breathing related problems including emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

What is COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


A tube that is placed in the bladder

What is a foley catheter


Which of the following is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID)? 

1) Tramadol


3) Ibuprofen/Motrin

4) Norco

What is: 3) Ibuprofen/Motrin


Mental Illness can or cannot be treated

What is Can


A pill that you put under your tongue for complaints of chest pain

What is Nitroglycerin


What are the main causes of lung disease

What is Smoking, secondhand smoke, asthma or air pollution.


 Is the Urethra longer or shorter in a man? 

What is a man. Females (1.5 inches long) males (7-8 inches long)


What is the difference between a "broken bone" and a "fracture? 

What is: They mean the same thing.


Mental Health is

1) NOT related to mood disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, substance use disorders. 

2) Only important for some people.

3) An important part of overall health and well-being

What is; An important part of overall health and well-being


What are signs of a heart attack in a woman

What is left arm pain, chest pain/pressure, back pain, jaw pain. 


What are safety precautions for oxygen

What is Keep oxygen cylinders upright, Store tanks in a well ventilated area, do not smoke in the area where there is oxygen and do not have tubing near an open flame such as a gas stove. 


A urinary condition that causes severe pain, blood in the urine, nausea, vomiting and can occur during urination. 

What are kidney stones.


Condition that causes bones to become weak and brittle. Fractures commonly occur in the hip, wrist or spine. 

What is Osteoporosis.


Suicide is the _______ leading cause of death among people ages 10 to 24 in the United States. 1) 24th  2)10th 3) 40th 4) 2nd

What is the 2nd


What are the leading risk factors for heart disease and stroke

High blood pressure, High LDL, Diabetes, smoking, secondhand smoke, obesity, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. 


A common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms but this condition can also be serious. There is also a recent vaccine to treat this condition. 

What is RSV


Which is not a structure found in the urinary system? A)Ureters B)Kidney C) Pancreas D) Urethra

What is the Pancreas


Which Type of Therapy is used for recovery after Orthopedic Surgery

A) Occupational Therapy

B) Physical Therapy

C) All of the above

C) All of above


If you know someone with poor mental health, you can help by: 

1) Reaching out and letting them know help is available

2) Helping them access mental health services

3) Learning and sharing the facts about mental health, especially if you hear something that is not true

4) All of the above

What is: All of the above