Inferencing 1
Inferencing 2
Inferencing 3
Inferencing 4
Inferencing 5

The cake was burnt to a crisp. Smoke filled the kitchen, and the fire alarm blared loudly. What happened?

Someone forgot to check the cake and it burned.


The dog lay curled up on the rug, its eyes closed and it's breathing slow and steady. The room was quiet except for the ticking of the clock on the wall. What can you infer about the dog?

The dog is sleeping or taking a nap.


The 3rd floor was filled with artifacts from ancient civilizations. Statues of gods and goddesses lined the halls, and mummies lay in glass cases. Where are you?

I am at the museum.


The beach was covered in litter and debris. Empty bottles and cans littered the sand, and plastic bags waved in the wind. What can you infer about the environment?

People did not pick up their trash before they left the beach. It's a mess! It hurts the environment.


The pool was filled with swimmers of all ages. Lifeguards were watching people to make sure they were safe. The heat was almost unbearable. What time of year is it?



The car was covered in dirt and mud. The windshield was caked with grime, and the tires were slick with mud. Where could the car have been?

The car could have been stuck in the mud or went mudding for fun.


The street was empty except for a stray cat, which darted across the road. The houses were dark and still, with no lights on in the windows. What time of day is it?

It is night time. Everyone is asleep.


The sky was a brilliant shade of pink and orange. The sun was just peeking over the horizon, casting long shadows over the landscape. What time of day is it?

It could be morning (dawn), or evening (sunset).


The city streets were jammed with traffic. Horns honked loudly, and the air was thick with exhaust fumes. What time of day is it?

It could be the morning when everyone is going to work, or it could be the 5 o'clock rush hour after work.


When I get home, I am greeted happily with excitement and joy. I bend down and feel lots of hair as he wants to jump up on me. I grab a toy for him to play with in the back yard. He can't say words but he can speak. Who or what am I talking about?

My Pet, a dog.


The beach was deserted except for a lonely seagull. The waves crashed against the shore, and the sand was cool beneath my bare feet. What time of day is it?

It could be morning.


The park was filled with children laughing and playing. Swings creaked back and forth, and the slide was slick from being used. What can you infer about the weather?

The weather is beautiful. It is a nice warm day.


The library was quiet except for the sound of pages turning and the occasional cough. The smell of old books filled the air. What can you infer about the environment?

It is a library, so you should be quiet so people can read and study in peace.


It was quiet except for a few children laughing. Squirrels played in the trees, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves. Where could you be?

Outside, at the park. (some answers may vary)


It was dark except for the light reflecting from a giant screen in front of me. I am sitting very comfortably with some snacks and a coke. The sounds are exciting and loud. I sit with anticipation and can't wait for it to begin. Where am I?

I am in the movie theater.


The store shelves were empty, and the aisles were quiet. The only sound was the hum of fluorescent lights overhead. What can you infer about the store.

The store is empty, out of stock or out of business.


The room was filled with balloons and streamers, and a banner hung on the wall. A table was set up with a cake and presents. What can you infer about the occasion?

It's a birthday party.


People are rushing down the halls, pushing carts, carrying folders and clipboards, and checking machines. People lay in beds hooked up to tubes and monitors. Where are you?

You are in the hospital.


The place was alive with the sound of many animals. Sometimes you would catch a wiff of a bad odor, and sometimes the aroma of popcorn. Where could you be?

At the zoo.


Night time is the best time to see everything. It's important to be safe and let the adults handle the explosives. I see bright colors, twinkling sparks, and the smell of burnt paper and cardboard fill the air. Oh it can be so loud! What time of year or holiday could it be?

Fourth of July or New Years.


The baseball field was well manicured, with freshly painted lines and a smooth, green outfield. The bleachers were packed with cheering fans. What can you infer about the game or event taking place?

The game is about to begin. (baseball, football, or soccer)


The train station was crowded with people rushing to catch their trains. The sounds of whistles and announcements filled the air, and the smell of coffee was coming from the cafe. What can you infer about the time of day?

It must be morning time. Everyone is on their way to work in the city.


The kitchen was warm and cozy with the aroma of fresh baked bread filling the air. Pots and pans clattered on the stove, and the radio played softly in the background. What's happening in the kitchen?

Someone is cooking dinner.


There are a lot of people buying and eating fun foods and sweets. Music plays in the background. People stand in long lines waiting their turns. You hear laughter and screaming. You hear big machines running and bright colorful lights everywhere. Where could you be?

A fair, carnival or amusement park.


I wake up and look outside. WOW! It's pretty! It's so bright! I better bundle up warm. I want to go play outside in it for a while. Maybe I can try and build something special with it. They cancelled school because of it. What am I talking about?

SNOW! It snowed outside!