Rhyme Time
You're Heading In the Right Direction.
Who or What Said it?

These two bodies of water rhyme and are very close to Israel.

What are the Red Sea and Dead Sea?


Monotheism means you only believe in one ______ and this animal could not swim across the Red Sea but  walking from the Gaza Strip to the Mediterranean Sea would not be too ruff.

What is God and dog?


Which direction would you mainly be traveling to go from the Mediterranean Sea to Israel?

What is East?


In order to ___ the Mediterranean ____ you better stand on the coast of Israel.

What is see and sea?


"Hey, Euphrates! I may be on the other side of Mesopotamia but nobody has better drip or flow than me.  

What is the Tigris River?


The last word of a two word name in Israel where Muslims live and another word for summersault. 

What is Strip and Flip?


The Romans had Jesus crucified and put to ______ because they ________ his teachings because it went against their Gods.

What is death and hated?


Which direction would you mainly be traveling to go from the Fertile Cresent to Israel?

What is West?


It does not matter ___________ or not you like it hot, the __________ in the Middle East is usually hot and dry.

What is Whether or Weather?


"Pharaoh, will you please!  You may have hieroglyphics but we invented the 1st alphabet."

Who were the Phoenicians?


An Ancient Phoenician invention and a word that would describe what a Phoenician who be if he fell overboard while sailing the Mediterranean.

What is Alphabet and Wet?


                     DAILY DOUBLE!

If you were a Christian 2,000 years ago and wanted to worship, you would have had to be ________ or quiet because you didn't know if a Roman soldier would ________ to what was being said.

What was silent and listen?


Which direction would you mainly be traveling to go from the Gaza Strip to Lebanon?

What is north?


______ hope you know the most famous part of this code that says "An ___ for an ____?

What is I and eye?


                         DAILY DOUBLE!

Mrs. Stamm may trade an i for an I in your 5 paragraph essay but this guy really wanted an eye for an eye.

Who was Hammurabi?


The group of people that mainly live in Israel.  The number of seas that border Egypt.

What is Jew and Two?


The Phoenicians were excellent sailors but I am not sure if they sailed in _________, a type of boat to the Atlantic ____________.

What is Canoe and Ocean?


Which direction would you mainly be traveling to go from Tigris River to the Persian Gulf?

What is South?


Jesus was the _____ of God and when he prayed to God as he looked up towards Heaven, he probably saw the ______.

What is son and sun?


"Hey, West Bank.  You think you're the only place that Muslims live inside of Israel?  Wrong!  Muslims live here, too."

What is the Gaza Strip?


Christian's believe in him.  However, Muslims think he is this...another word for fake.

What is God and Fraud?


All Christians, Jews and Muslims do this to their God.  The Mediterranean Sea does this to the water on windy days.

What is prays and spray?


Which direction would you mainly be traveling to go from Mesopotamia to Jerusalem?

What is west?


 If a Roman Soldier heard Jesus say his teachings ________ and not being silent 2,000 years ago then he may arrest him because that was not permitted or _______________.

What is aloud and allowed?


"Hey Red, check me out.  I may be all wet but my name is a real killer just east of Israel."

What is the Dead Sea?