Social Studies
Children's books
Children's Toys/Games

What belongs at the end of this sentence?

Will you play a game with me

a. A period

b. A question mark

c. No punctuation at all

What is a question mark.


Name a neighbor state to New York.

a. Ohio

b. Pennsylvania

c. West Virginia

What is Pennsylvania.


In one of the Dr. Seuss books, who will not try green eggs and ham?

a. A fefferfefferoo

b. Sam I Am

c. The Onceler

Who is Sam I Am


What is a child's favorite toy to build with?

a. Cards

b. Legos

c. Paper and straws

What are legos.


What does the word vegetation mean?

a. A type of animal

b. Any type of plant

c. A animal's den

What is any type of plant.


What word is spelled wrong in this sentence? Make your choice and spell it correctly.

Twoday it will snow a few inches.

a. Twoday

b. Snow

c. Inches

What is Twoday. It should be spelled today.


What do we call the part of a map that explains the symbols used on the map (represents things like where cities are, where rivers are, etc.)

a. The key            b. The miles        c. The story

What is the key.


In the PJ Masks books, who turns into Cat Boy?

a. Connor

b. Amaya

c. Romeo

Who is Connor.


In this game, cards with pictures are laid out face down with the players trying to make matches when they are turned over.

a. Memory match

b. Dominoes

c. Guess Who

What is memory match.


When the weather forecast states that the temperature will decrease, what does this mean?

a. It will be hotter out

b. The temperature will stay the same

c. It will be colder out

What is, it will be colder out.


What is the action word (verb) in this sentence?

The leaves fell from the tree.

a. tree                    b. leaves                c. fell

What is fell.


If the top of a map is the direction of North and you are facing the map, what direction is to the right, on the map?

a. West               b. East               c. South

What is East.


In the Dr. Seuss book, Go Dog Go, where do the dogs have a party?

a. In a dog house

b. In a tree

c. By a swimming pool

Where is: In a tree.


This outside toy is often stuck on the roof.

a. Tennis ball

b. Jump rope

c. Frisbee

What is frisbee.


Choose the correct food chain.

a. fox-mouse-eagle

b. eagle-fox-mouse

c. mouse-fox-eagle

What is choice c, mouse-fox-eagle


Which sentence is a run-on sentence?

a. The dog ran after the ball.

b. The dog ran after the ball down the street, next to the neighbor's house.

c. The dog ran ball.

What is choice b. The dog ran after the ball down the street, next to the neighbor's house.


The process in a democracy by which we choose our government leaders is called:

a. The Pledge of Allegiance

b. An election

c. The veto of a bill

What is an election.


In the Curious George books, who is his owner?

a. The man with the yellow hat

b. Mr. Rafferty

c. The man who owns the circus

Who is: the man with the yellow hat.


What is the name of the game where you are touched and can't move until another player touches you? 

a. Freeze tag

b. Relay races

c. Three-legged race

What is freeze tag.


What is the first source of all energy in nature? 

a. The moon

b. The sun

c. Batteries

What is the sun.


Turn these scrambled up words into a complete sentence. 

girl red got The at balloon the park. a

What is: The girl got a red balloon at the park.


Which geographic location has the hottest weather?

a. The equator

b. The North Pole

c. The South Pole

What is the equator.


In the story of Peter Pan, what did the crocodile swallow that made it possible to hear it when it was swimming near by?

a. A radio

b. A bell

c. A clock

What is a clock.


What is the name of the game in which a plastic bubble is popped to give you a number you need to move?

a. Sorry

b. Life

c. Monopoly

What is Sorry.


What is the name of the type of energy that can be used from hot volcanic temperatures under the ground? 

a. solar energy   b. geothermal energy

c. wind energy

What is geothermal energy.