Eating 101
Cooking 101
Hot Hot Hot!

How is Canada's Food Guide's Balanced Plate divided?

What is 1/2 plate veggies and fruit, 1/4 plate whole grains, 1/4 meat and alternatives


What is the phrases for prepping all ingredients before you start cooking and why is it helpful?

Mise en place, which helps keep you organized and prevents you from ruining food.


How do you let people know you are walking through the kitchen with a hot item?

Yell "hot pot!" when walking through the kitchen with a hot pot or pan.


What nutrient does whole grain bread have more of than white bread is missing?

What is fibre


Describe at least 2 cooking methods that use low or medium heat

Sweating onions, simmering a soup, or reducing a sauce.


True or False: You should put hot items in the sink as is

False: this could cause burns.


What is animal protein (name an example) and what does it have in it that plant protein does not?

Protein that comes from animal sources like meat, eggs and dairy.

It does not have fiber.


What is the first step when picking a new recipe to make?

Read the recipe all the way through


Why would a chef point their pot and pan handles inwards when cooking on the stove?

To prevent the risk of pots being bumped and falling on the floor.

What is plant protein (name an example) and what does it have in it that animal protein does not?

Protein that comes from plants sources like beans, nuts, and tofu.

It does not have saturated fat.


Describe at least 2 methods that use high heat.

Boil, broil, sear or saute


Describe 2 ways to prevent fire in the kitchen

Don't walk away from something that is cooking.

Keep flammable items (like towels or paper) away from burners.


Give me 2 examples of whole grain food

Popcorn, whole wheat flour and products made with it (pasta, bread), brown rice.


Name 5 flavours and describe the process of making sure your food tastes good.

Sweetness, saltiness, sourness, bitterness, umami (savory), spicy (bonus), flavour balancing

Describe in detail first aid for burns.

Turn off heat source, walk calmly to sink and run under cool (not cold) water for 10 minutes.

Call instructor over for help.

Do not use ice, band-aids or ointments

Next day: do not pop blisters, take Tylenol for pain.