Lesson 1
Lesson 2/3
Lesson 4/5
George Washington

What is taxation without representation?

Taxation without representation was possibly the first slogan adopted by American colonists chafing under British rule. They objected to the imposition of taxes on colonists by a government that gave them no role in its policies.


What was the first continental congress and what did it hope to achieve? What state wasn't there?

It hoped to achieve peace, they didn't want war. First meeting of colonist reps from all states except Georgia.


How did women support the war effort?

By being spies, and also cooking and making uniforms for their husbands.


What was the solution to dilemma one, how would George Washington Repay the National debt?

Hamiltons financial plan, and using taxes.

What is the definition of Repeal?

the action of revoking or annulling a law or congressional act.


What method of protesting was most successful?



What was the first continental congress?

The First Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from 12 of thirteen colonies that became the United States, out of the 20-odd mainland British American colonies.


Who was John Paul Jones

One of Jones most successful battles was the capture of the Warship Serapis on September 23, 1779. Early in the battle, the British knocked out the heaviest artillery.


What was the solution to dilemma 2, how would George Washington Use the new power?

Not afraid to use power, as shown in the Whiskey Rebellion.


What is the definition of legislature? 

the legislative body of a country or state.


Why did great Britain raise taxes on the colonists?

The British needed to station a large army in North America as a consequence and on 22 March 1765 the British Parliament passed the Stamp Act, which sought to raise money to pay for this army through a tax on all legal and official papers and publications circulating in the colonies.


Who was Paul Revere?

On April 18th, 1775, Revere made the most famous ride of his life, to Lexington, to warn patriot leaders in hiding there. During the Revolutionary War, Revere helped fortify Boston against a possible British attack. Frustrated by his defensive posting, he lobbied to be assigned to campaigns against the enemy.


What big defeat did the Patriots face early on in the war?

The New York City battle

How would George Washington figure out how to organize new land in the west?

  • The Land Ordinance of 1785

    • The U.S. gov’t was eager to sell off Western lands to settlers to gain revenue (since the gov’t did not have the power to tax)

    • Established an orderly process for laying out western townships

  • The Northwest Ordinance

    • The Northwest Ordinance (1787) gave structure  to the NW territory:

    • Created new territories and future states of OH, MI, IN, IL, MI 

    • Residents could apply for statehood with 60,000 people

    • Slavery outlawed in NW lands


What is the definition of assert?

state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully.


Why did the british pass the intolerable acts?

Because of the boston tea party.


What was the main argument for the colonists leaving British?

Taxes and how they couldn't govern them from across the ocean.


Which battle was a turning point for the Patriots?

Battle of Saratoga


Dillemma 4: How would George Washington deal with foreign nations? 

  • Shortly after Washington’s inauguration, the storming of the Bastille Prison  in Paris, France took place.

    • This marked the beginning the French Revolution,

    • And French citizens fought for the same reasons of personal liberties that the Americans fought for!

    • Naturally, many Americans (including Jefferson) wanted the US to join the war to help! 

  • Washington issued the Proclamation of Neutrality and refused to get entangled.

  • Again, he sides with Hamilton. The US has nothing to gain in this conflict, and we are far too weak to fight another war.

  • This event was just another of several times Jefferson felt slighted; he resigned from the cabinet.


What is the definition of rebellion?

an act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler.


What and who was the boston tea party?

The Boston Tea Party was an American political and mercantile protest on December 16, 1773, by the Sons of Liberty in Boston in colonial Massachusetts.


Who was Thomas Paine, and what did he create?

Common Sense - phamphlet that was the first thing to encourage colonists to reconsider alliegance with the British.

Why was it difficult to find and keep soldiers during the war? 

Slaves couldn't fight, and white men didn't want to risk their lives for very bad conditions at war.


Dilemma Number 5: How would political parties change America.

  • In 1796, every election Washington stepped down, the United States saw its first two political parties.    

    • Federalists:

      • Led by Alexander Hamilton and John Adams

      • Hamilton cannot be President since he was born in the West Indies.

      • Supported strong federal government

    • Democratic Republicans Believe government can use “elastic clause” to expand power where necessary.

      • Led by Thomas Jefferson 

      • Wanted more state control 

      • Believed government limited by Constitution


What is the definition of unalienable?

unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor.