The Three Estates
Reign of Terror

Who served as French Emperor from 1804 to 1814 

A) Louis XVI 

B) Ceasar 

C) Napoleon

D) Washington 

C) Napoleon


Who were the only ones that paid taxes? 

A) The Catholic clergy 

B) The Nobles 

C) The King and the Nobles 

D) Bourgeoisie , craftsmen, and peasants

D) Bourgeoisie , craftsmen, and peasants


This period in French History happened before the revolution took place 

A) Ratatouille 

B) Ancien Regime

C) Before Christ 

D) Feudalism 

B) Ancien Regime


What was the Tennis Court Oath? 

A) To only use a certain brand of tennis balls

B)  To stick together until a new constitution was established

C) To never cheat one's opponent 

D) To give in to the higher classes 

B)  To stick together until a new constitution was established


What is the most likely reason Napoleon often placed his hand inside his vest? 

A) It was a way of demonstrating power 

B) He suffered from pain from stomach cancer 

C) He suffered from terrible heartburn 

D) He had a mangled hand from a previous battle 

B) He suffered from pain from stomach cancer


98 percent of the population was from which estate? 

A) Clergy 

B) Nobility 

C) Bourgeoisie

D) Vassals 

C) Bourgeoisie


The French Revolution abolished what system? 

A) Capitalism 

B) Feudalism

C) Socialism 

S) Oligarchy  

B) Feudalism


What does a coup d'etat mean? 

A) King has all the power 

B) Power to the People 

C) Revolution 

D) Government takeover

D) Government takeover


Why did Napoleon divorce his first wife? 

A) She was having an affair

B) She was too young for him 

C) He found out she was previously married 

D) She had not produced a male heir  

D) She had not produced a male heir  


Which was the highest class of the 3 estates?

A) Clergy

B) Nobles

C) Bourgeoisie 

A) Clergy


Who was the King of France from 1774-1792?

A) Napoleon

B) Louis XVI 

C) Washington 

D) Paine

B) Louis XVI


Who were the Jacobins?

A) left-wing revolutionaries who aimed to end the reign of King Louis XVI and establish a French republic

B) right-wing conservatives that wanted to keep King Louis XVI in power

C) Radicals that wanted to take over Europe

D) None of these 

A) left-wing revolutionaries who aimed to end the reign of King Louis XVI and establish a French republic


How did Napoleon Bonaparte come to power?

A) He killed Robespierre and became the new leader of the Jacobins

B) He was elected by the Third Estate to lead the Directory

C) He overthrew the Directory and created a new government

D) The Directory decided to become a consulate with Napoleon as leader

C) He overthrew the Directory and created a new government

Which was the 2nd highest class of the 3 estates?

A) Clergy

B) Nobles

C) Bourgeoisie 

B) Nobles


What period in history had the biggest impact on the French Revolution?

A) The Renaissance 

B) The Enlightenment

C) The Middle Ages

D) The Dark Ages 

B) The Enlightenment


Why did the National Assembly go to the Bastille? 

A) to search for guns and cannons 

B) to kill the guards 

C) to find gunpowder

D) to free the prisoners 

C) to find gunpowder


Define Napoleonic Code 

A) Radical change by Napoleon changing how government positions were appointed 

B) Shorter people who seem to overcompensate are said to have 

C) New government formed by Napoleon upon his return from Egypt 

D) Title Napoleon gave himself after returning from Egypt 

A) Radical change by Napoleon changing how government positions were appointed


Which of the following was true of French society in the years before the French Revolution? 

A) The king deeply understood the hardships of the French people 

B) There were more wealthy people than poor people 

C) Most people were part of the First and Second Estate 

D) The third estate made up the majority of the population

D) The third estate made up the majority of the population


King Louis XVI was charged with what crime?

A) Tax Fraud

B) Treason

C. Murder

D) Speeding

B) Treason


At the time of the French Revolution, the guillotine was considered 

A) the least cruel form of capital punishment

B) the quickest was to hang a prisoner 

C) outdated and inhumane 

D) the most painful way to punish criminals 

A) the least cruel form of capital punishment