My Rights
Problem Solving

A hospitalized patient is introduced to Dr. Leila Azzi as “an intern on my team” by the attending physician.   As an intern, Dr. Azzi:

a. Is still in medical school and cannot participate in patient care.

b. Performs the skill of a doctor under the supervision of the attending physician.

c.  Has all the rights and privileges of any physician on the hospital medical staff.

d.  Functions as an independent healthcare provider who is employed by the attending physician.

b.  Performs the skill of a doctor under the supervision of the attending physician.


    A medical office is aware that their average patient wait time is 20 minutes.  What might be their BEST strategy for beginning to address the problem?

    A.    Let the physician who owns the medical office offer a solution.

    B.    Have a team meeting to gather different ideas for solving the problem.

    C.    Survey the patients to determine if they mind waiting for 20 minutes.

    D.    Pay for a professional consulting company to analyze the office efficiency procedures.

B.    Have a team meeting to gather different ideas for solving the problem.


The other EMTs describe Ben as a good team member because he is highly skilled and:

    A.    Does his fair share of the work.

    B.    Takes credit for the work of the team.

    C.    Likes to do things the way he has always done them.

    D.    Participates in activities with co-workers after work.

 A.    Does his fair share of the work.


Peggy is a dental hygienist.  Does she have a right to wear a generous amount of perfume at work?

    A.    No.  The strong odor could violate her patient’s rights.

    B.    No.  Healthcare workers should never wear perfume, after shave, or anything similar.

    C.    Yes.  Perfume creates a pleasant smell for patients.

    D.    Yes.  She has the right to wear whatever she wants.

   A.    No.  The strong odor could violate her patient’s rights.


What example would BEST lead to finding a win-win solution?

    A.    Flipping a coin

    B.    Voting

    C.    Letting the person with the most power in the relationship make the decision

    D.    Discussion that leads to a mutual decision

D.    Discussion that leads to a mutual decision


In following the chain of command, the dental assistant works under the direction of the:

  1. Patient.

  2. Billing clerk.

  3. Dental hygienist.

  4. Dentist.

4.  Dentist


 Assertive communication requires respecting the rights of others, but also

A.    speaking in a loud voice.

B.    standing up for your beliefs.

C.    keeping arms crossed. 

D.    avoiding eye contact.

B.    standing up for your beliefs.


Carlos likes to make all the decisions for his team and do most of the work himself.  His leadership style is described as:

    A.    Democratic.

    B.    Passive.

    C.    Laissez-faire.

    D.    Autocratic.

D. Autocratic


Belle is a pharmacy assistant.  What does Belle have the “right” to do?

    A.    Take her scheduled break for personal reasons.

    B.    Refuse to perform tasks she does not like to perform. 

    C.    Take a coffee break whenever she is not checking out a customer.

    D.    Have social conversations with her friends while she is working.

  A.    Take her scheduled break for personal reasons.


Marie likes to choose her conflicts wisely.  Which conflict below should Maria choose to do something about?

    A.    She sees another student take something out of a friend’s purse.

    B.    She hears other students complaining about her favorite teacher.

    C.    The person in front of her in the lunch line takes the last slice of chocolate cake.

    D.    Her teacher says “Maria, stop daydreaming” and she was not daydreaming.

A.    She sees another student take something out of a friend’s purse.


 Which of the following is a real benefit of working in a team?

A.    An individual can do less work because they can rely on other team members

B.    Multiple views can make problems easier to solve.

C.    If something goes wrong, multiple people share responsibility.

D.    Differences of opinion can lead to intense arguments.

B.    Multiple views can make problems easier to solve.


 Staff meetings provide an opportunity to 

A.    share ideas and contribute to the process.

B.    air out differences while all co-workers are present to observe.

C.    discuss personal problems.

D.    stay silent and listen attentively to your manager.

A.    share ideas and contribute to the process.


A charge nurse is described by a nursing assistant as being an effective leader.  What example by the charge nurse would support this description?

    A.    He pitches in and helps the nursing assistants when things are really busy.

    B.    He has a good sense of humor and makes light of stressful situations.

    C.    He makes sure that the assistants who have worked for him the longest get the easier     assignments.

    D.    He compliments the younger nurses on their appearance.

 A.    He pitches in and helps the nursing assistants when things are really busy.


Beth is a basketball player who is constantly criticizing and insulting other team members.  When her teammates bring this to her attention, Beth responds “I have the right to say how I feel.”  Does she?

    A.    Yes.  Beth is being open and honest with her teammates.

    B.    Yes.  Freedom of speech means that Beth can say whatever she wants.

    C.    No.  Beth’s behavior violates the rights of her teammates to a positive athletic environment.

    D.    No.  Nobody has the right to complain all the time.

C.    No.  Beth’s behavior violates the rights of her teammates to a positive athletic environment.


What is the MOST important key to resolving a conflict?

    A.    Ask others for information about the people involved in the conflict

    B.    Give the other person the benefit of the doubt


What is the MOST important key to resolving a conflict?

    A.    Ask others for information about the people involved in the conflict

    B.    Give the other person the benefit of the doubt

    C.    Communication

    D.    Forgiveness

C.    Communication


What group of healthcare workers would MOST LIKELY be part of a rehabilitation team?

  1. Social worker, physical therapist, occupational therapist, physician

  2. Nurse, physical therapist, paramedic, perfusionist

  3. Biomedical equipment technician, occupational therapist, physician, paramedic

  4. Social worker, nurse, perfusionist, biomedical equipment technician

1. Social worker, physical therapist, occupational therapist, physician


 In order to communicate effectively about differences of opinions with a co-worker, the health care     professional should

A.    consult his/her superior on the right course of action.

B.    consult a co-worker not involved in the situation.

C.    arrange a suitable time and place to discuss the issue with co-worker.

D.    attack the person so that they will agree with you.

C.    arrange a suitable time and place to discuss the issue with co-worker.


An effective group facilitator should: 

    A.    Try to persuade the group to make the decision that he/she wants.

    B.    Involve all members of the group in the decision-making process.

    C.    Use an autocratic leadership style.

    D.    Do most of the work for the group to achieve their goals.

 B.    Involve all members of the group in the decision-making process.


Steve is a good role model for Leslie because he: 

    A.    Earns over $50,000 a year.

    B.    Only complains about his boss to his family.

    C.    Likes to rush to get the job done as quickly as possible.

    D.    Is respectful of his co-workers and patients.

 D.    Is respectful of his co-workers and patients.


 In order to communicate effectively about differences of opinions with a co-worker, the health care     professional should

A.    consult his/her superior on the right course of action.

B.    consult a co-worker not involved in the situation.

C.    arrange a suitable time and place to discuss the issue with co-worker.

D.    attack the person so that they will agree with you.

C.    arrange a suitable time and place to discuss the issue with co-worker.


Which of the following is the BEST example of a hospital interdisciplinary team?

  1. Housekeeping staff

  2. Pharmacy staff

  3. Emergency department staff

  4. Morgue staff

3. Emergency Department staff


    Nurse Elexa has concerns about the new electronic charting system and has an idea about how to make it more easy to use. During the discussion the manager is reading a magazine and never looks at Nurse Elexa. Which communication failure is the manager most likely having?

A.    Failure to cooperate.

B.    Failure to have a positive attitude.

C.    Failure to exercise an open-mind.

D.    Failure to listen carefully.

D.    Failure to listen carefully.


Miranda prefers to work using a Laissez-faire leadership style.  What career might be best suited for Miranda?

    A.    Paramedic

    B.    Neurosurgeon

    C.    Massage therapist

    D.    Operating room technician

c.  Massage therapist


An athletic trainer is frustrated with the constant criticism she receives from the head trainer. What should she do?

    A.    Stand up to the trainer the next time she is criticized.

    B.    Ask for a private meeting to discuss her concerns.

    C.    Keep her feelings to herself and accept the head trainer’s authority.

    D.    Report the trainer’s behavior to his/her supervisor.

 B.    Ask for a private meeting to discuss her concerns.


Mallory and Ashli are best friends and both want to run for president of their HOSA chapter.  After sharing their feelings with each other, Mallory decides that Ashli would make a better president and she would be just as happy working with a committee, so they decide that Ashli will run for president and Mallory will be her campaign manager.  This is an example of a:

    A.    Sacrifice.

    B.    Compromise.

    C.    Win-lose.

    D.    Win-win.

  D.    Win-win.